I really post this away to often, but it's a plot driver I'm starting to get tired of seeing. Shitty half-assed parents leading to emotionally stunted kids who turn into shitty adults is stressing me out. Like the craziest part of this, is I'm more then sure if Killian had some proper reassurances from his father over the last couple of years, he would be in a better place.
Sir Duke!! You have two kids!!! It is great the Lexion is killing the game academically, but that does not mean he should get all the attention and praise!! Did you at any point tell Killian he was doing good at his successor lessons? Did you praise him for holding down the estate while you were on the battlefield?
Hell!! How neglectful do you have to be to not know one of your children is anxious about something? And how much do you care about appearances of the "family" that Killian would rather mentally drown in his anxious insecurities and Lexion would rather just take a beating then tell you what the hell is going on?! But the fact that you actually found out about the abuse, and didn't solve the root cause really got me fuxked up!!
You literally told Killian you realized he had insecurities and then just brushed it to side and told him not to embarrass the family name!! And on top of that you never even went to check to see if Lexion was okay. If I was their mother I would be doing back flips in my grave with how mad this shit would have me. Gimme your children, because a father you may be, but a parent you are not!!!