That people still don't believe in positive change for people. People in general can be wrong about several things in life; they can make mistakes. These mistakes can lead them and the people around them into heartbreaking and stressful situations. Regardless, if the people around them forgive them, they can make positive changes and positive choices from the moment they realize they were wrong. You can't change what's been done, but you can correct and be better. That is what the father is doing. Not wanting him to have a happy end of his own because of mistakes and bad choices he made that are in the past and can't be fixed is a bit wild to me. Any forgiveness he would have to beg for would come from his kids, and out of all 3 of them none of them are picking a bone with him. I put all my money on it that if even one of his children heard y'all say he didn't deserve to be happily with the teacher because of the way he had acted previously and the choices he had made previously you would be met with pure disdain. Some of y'all are beyond a little critical. Lol