I love that the seme was honest about who he was with, even if he didn't clarify where specifically they were going. To many times "who are you with? Or where are you?" is answered with a straight up lie of "No one. Or Work/home." to not worry the partner, only for them to find out a half truth later leading to a misunderstanding. If the uke had actually happened to bump into them, he would have seen exactly what the seme stated, and would maybe just be worried about why they were together only to find out later and be okay to know it was for his birthday, versus the seme telling him I'm going out to a work dinner or home because I'm feeling a bit tired and sick and the uke catching him out during the little birthday surprise with the girl co-worker. Now he has to plead his case about lying, how he wasn't cheating, this, that, and the third. It is such an over used plot driver. Honesty is policy~