Fallynn's feed

Fallynn created a topic of Baek XX

Chief Jang deserves all the hell that he can possibly get for the shit he has been pulling, but saying to kill his daughter that may have nothing to with all of it is wild. First, kids do not pick their parents. Why should she have to die for the sins of her father? You can say up and down that her father killed up a bunch of innocent people and therefore to stick it to him she needs to die, but baby that really should not be the concensus yall make. Her father should be paying for his sins ALONE. Shitty thing about negative Karma, is that if you build up too much of it, it will also affect those closest to you. So to see him sweating and nervous now that is daughter is in the mix makes me excited because that bastard is finally experiencing some type of hell, but I hope his daughter get out of it mostly unscathed because she didn't do anything to deserves the crazy that is finna hit her doorstep.