1. Justice tasted so damn good served on a diamond platter??? Did you see how much they elaborated on the arrest. They're not playing.
2. Pure friendship and love and understanding??????
3. Ultimate happy ending?? Especially for victims of abuse stories. I'm just so happy he got what he deserves.
4. Story isn't cliché. (I personally thought it was out of place for the teacher to just tell him to be friend. Stay close. Sounded like she was used as trigger. But...then her story came out and I'm??? ╥﹏╥ )
5. I bawled my eyes out. This story is great and deep and connects well. Got me feeling things.

People when reading most BL: Yes! Fck till the next five chapters. I want you both lose a limb doing it hard
Same people, but reading this: Ooh, I hope they have soft kisses and noses bumping and warm cuddles next chapter.
Never realized how innocent this is until he had internal struggle to keep a promise about kisses.

Is anyone counting the numbers of people pissing Yoseob off? Just to see if it adds up to the 8 he killed?

I would actually love if it turned out he didn't kill anyone and he's confessing for whatever reason. Like maybe it was an accident caused by his brother and he's protecting him? That'd be the best plot twist for me, that he's much more innocent that he seems.
I told myself this manga was 2016's train wreck. I wasn't going to get emotional over their tragic love but then little sht Ito-san just have to go and say I'm a man who loves only you.... And I broke. I just...i can't. The feels are coming back.