I like the characters and the mmo aspect of the story but I have to say Yeowoon is kind of an airhead or he’s really dumb. I like his personality for the most part but he really has no sense of awareness and he keeps making things worse lol. The story just keeps piling up misunderstandings and for a moment there I thought they were going to realize who they each were. The fact they can’t recognize each other’s voices is not believable at all.
I met my guildmates from an mmo I was playing in person and the only way I recognized them was their voice so the fact that Yeowoon is this clueless is a bit annoying. At least Jigu might be starting to suspect so progress I guess ( ̄∇ ̄")
I’m pretty sure they’ve hinted that jigu recognizes yeonwoo’s voice, he just isn't sure yet. Also, the way the act in game and in person is a little different (especially the way jigu talks in game is very different) . So, that explains why they don’t really recognize each other, or at least, why Yeonwoo doesn't recognize jigu.
Omg is this story going anywhere? It started so good and I feel like it’s loosing steam. Like others have said I don’t care who Ian chooses at this point but just have something happen! The Jo’s cousin storyline is boring as hell, and Ian stringing two people along is getting tiring. While I do prefer Jo (or maybe I feel bad for him getting strung along by Ian), if Ian wants to choose TJ, he can go be happy in his toxic ass relationship lol but at this point I’m just waiting for anything to happen.
I’m trying to be patient but I can’t help but miss the potential of those first 15-20 chapters. I’m afraid that whatever long game the author has will run out of steam and we’ll get a rushed development or ending just because they didn’t have enough time. I feel like the plot is barely going anywhere Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)
The story is fucked up but I also find the art style really ugly. The brothers do look like potatoes lol. The MC is dumb enough to not read the room and run into trouble from the beginning but I also kind of like that he refused to cower from them even though they can hurt him really bad. He’ll do anything to survive so I guess there’s that. Don’t blame him in that situation though.
Wow I adored the last chapter. These kids, my heart. Sakura is the best boy Also he was on Endo’s neck but he was really trying to break him. Sakura, I believe in you!