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Arpeggio June 20, 2016 3:39 am

Basically........ the tutor from cram school driving the girl home story was the same girl who hates rain, then becomes an elevator lady and the same boy from back then proposes to him. As a couple they have a pair of umbrellas, one is plaid, so he turns out to be the grandpa of the child with the plaid umbrella and UGH NO THAT DOESN'T WORK

    Rioriori September 2, 2016 2:39 am

    Actually, I think throughout the whole story the main characters are the polka dot umbrella girl and the plaid umbrella boy! Of course there's the picture of the two umbrellas side by side at the end but there are other hints too! The main girl mentions having a crush on her cram school teacher while the boy mentions sharing an umbrella with the one he loves being a nice concept back when they were younger, which he wanted to do and did with "Madonna". They also found out they went to the same cram school which is how his umbrella was able to be taken by accident by the polka dot umbrella girl. He also mentions doing judo as a teen! When they both got their hearts broken on a rainy day the boy gave the girl his judo uniform shirt to cover up! Then when they got older and worked together her birthday being at 5:55 gave away that she was the elevator girl when he proposed. And then the two umbrellas and the ring pop (probably not the same one used to propose lol but I tend to constantly buy things like certain candies when they have fond memories attached and I assume they do as well) takes them all the way to the two parents. It took me a while to realize it because they started with shading in her hair then changed but I really think that it's the same characters all along. Sorry for the long comment/post, I just got so excited when I had this epiphany! :'D

Arpeggio June 14, 2016 12:13 am


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