Very interesting read. I definitely need to reread this later as there are parts at the end I'm still not grasping properly, but it was good! When it went from black n white to color I was so confused lol. The way the author made me confused and draw conclusions bur not even trust my own conclusions that I made trying to figure out the story was really good! I felt like I was with the main character throughout the whole thing trying to figure out whats the true story and what's the lie, could we trust Law or was he lieing the whole time, or was everything the main character did or thought a lie? Really great stuff
Solo Leveling
Edit: FUCK ITS OVVVER *CRY* This was such a long ride and the story is so fucking good. I wanna see an epilogue of what sung does now. Like, does he become a sss rank hunter again? Date homegirl that's s rank? Does he reunite with everyone we have seen throughout the story? I want more but it's now done os I can only revisit the past
Edit 2: so I wish I never asked for an epilogue. It's pretty garbage, it's trying to do too much and nothing that happens makes sense like at all and it all sucks. They should have left it as is.
An Uncomfortable Truth