hmm created a topic of Wet Sand

im tj endgame, but why do i feel like ian is gonna end up with jo because jo is like his "escape from the gang life"

hmm created a topic of Miscreants And Mayhem

every single bl manhwa ive read, they always land in the hospital at least once and they always wear the same default hospital gown

hmm created a topic of Wet Sand

tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj tj

hmm created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

They're "brothers" in arm, as in they grew up together and were very close. It's not uncommon in east asian cultures to for guys to consider their close childhood friend a "brother" (esp in ancient times)!! If you go back to ch 33, it says that they were "as tight as brothers".

hmm created a topic of Codename Anastasia

some of you guys take bl wayyyy too seriously. like most bl dont have the best story, it's just guilty pleasure no brainier stories. swear, every time i scroll down the comments of any BL, it's just ppl complaining. just drop the story if you hate it so much, i dont get why some BL fans gotta complain or dislike every chapter but still continue reading it, no ones forcing you to keep reading lmao (not just with this story but so many other bl out there)

hmm created a topic of Shutline
hmm created a topic of Jinx

lmao every time a bl character gets handed by some mysterious drug to inhabitable them, it's always aphrodisiac and never something that makes you shit your pants like laxatives

hmm created a topic of Shutline

this happens all the time but it still makes me giggle so hard whenever jay/jake shows up "unexpectedly". and the way he squeezes the back of shin's neck. OOF, you can tell he's possessive without him even saying anything

hmm created a topic of My Suha

This definitely isn't any "feel good karma". The fuck...

hmm created a topic of Miscreants And Mayhem

nanmu has gotta be one of the hottest bottom in manhwa

hmm created a topic of Codename Anastasia

They better not be long lost childhood friends or something like that again