Spill the truth, bruh. Every one of these characters are idiots, even Stefan is getting a little bit of that dumb character vibes. But? I love the people standing up for Char after she let her shit brother near her best friend and her Kuwabara-looking cousin to treat him like shit too. This comic is painfully bad.

i completely agree, i’ve read the novel and some of the same issues remain but it covers the explanations and character development problems you pointed out much better than this adaptation. Since i read the novel right after reading the first few chapters, i just ignored some of the changes and holes that weren’t in the novel because I already know what happens and why, so it was easy to gloss over the things you covered. i still enjoy the comic a lot but yeah

can't sexuality be fluid though? i don't disagree with your other statements, and narratives that say "i'm not gay but..." are troubling, but sexuality is definitely something that can change over time (for some). it's not discovering what your "true" or "real" orientation is, it just can shift more to one side or the other. sexual fluidity does tend to be more common in biological women as well.
i just feel that the whole thing about liking someone because they're that person isn't such a bad thing to say :)

There’s a big difference. Naruto is set in a fictional country with a fictional culture, anything goes. Ennead is set in an existing mythology believed by an existing culture in an existing country. Yes the author can do what they want, but people are also allowed to criticise their choices, their ignorance, and their inaccuracy.

egyptian people had very diverse skin colors.

Seth is also the god of "FOREIGNERS", people... Look him up and you'll see it makes sense for him to look foreign!

Did you skip any chapters, cause I am confused right now on the "but once that part of the story is over when the mc isn't sure which girl he likes more the story kinda just moves past that and sweeps it under the rug? then it tries introducing us to another mystery girlfriend and i literally rolled my eyes. "?
I know we don't like ML but it's probably gonna be an important part of understanding why he did the things he did. His backstory probably isn't going to be a redemption for him or for us to pity him but to understand him. Just like when the sister visited the FL. We know why her brother shot FL, and while it wasn't a justifiable action we can understand it.
The story presents us with an interesting question, "Does ignorance make you any less guilty?" So far we know that the revolution was justifiable and that our protagonist directly benefited from the system that took so many lives. We get to see that she has first hand seen the upset by the people and her actively ignoring the signs.
As the story progresses I hope we can see further developments on her and ML as characters and understand where is the line drawn for what is understandable actions. We can understand and forgive the FL for being ignorant to the injustice of the system she lived in because she acknowledges how it was wrong and takes actions to make her country better.
While the ML had every right to start this revolution and hold the royal family accountable for how they treated the common folk. However, he then crosses the line by continuing to punish the FL. She has already received punishment but to continue that kind of cruel treatment has made him no better than the nobles he hated so much.
At this point I don't think he can be redeemed. His actions have crosses over so many lines that it would be unsatisfactory to see him get a happy ending but I hope he will seek atonement. I think that will be a nice juxtaposition for our FL who I hope will have a redemption arc and show the difference between the two. If she defended her family against the revolution would we still see her as innocent? I think that would be an interesting question to ask ourselves as we learn more about what lead to the revolution in the first place.
You explained it so well!! I hate the ml but I can also understand him. All the characters are well written so far they have their emotions and reasons in their actions which makes them feel real and human.