Nobody December 23, 2020 11:42 am

« I didn’t go out with anyone else since we broke up » and she did say he was her first lover which means he was his only, yet she was THIS shocked when she « discovered » that he was the father of her child ? I’m sorry but where’s your brain ? ( ̄ε(# ̄) I’m becoming kinda target of that kind of story with a trashy ML and a hella dumb FL, 10000 misunderstandings, always the same story, etc etc

    Lynx December 23, 2020 1:36 pm

    Let's not forget that when side dude sleeps over he doesn't sleep on the couch according to sammie but she hasn't been with anyone else since ML... Where does side dude sleep? in the closet?

    Jeyyy December 23, 2020 4:04 pm
    Let's not forget that when side dude sleeps over he doesn't sleep on the couch according to sammie but she hasn't been with anyone else since ML... Where does side dude sleep? in the closet? Lynx

    In the closet bahahahha

    Nobody December 23, 2020 5:22 pm
    Let's not forget that when side dude sleeps over he doesn't sleep on the couch according to sammie but she hasn't been with anyone else since ML... Where does side dude sleep? in the closet? Lynx

    Plus, her reason to discover that the child was his daughter was that the girl was moving her eyebrows the same way than the father
    Like wth
    « Oh yeah she doesn’t look AT ALL like him, but she’s moving her eyebrows the same way, she’s 100% her daughter »
    I mean hello Sherlock if you never slept with anyone else, then how tf your reason to realize he’s the father is so dumb ?
    Then, she said she was gonna tell him he was the father back then but he was sleeping with a girl... Mmh what ? Then why was she « Could it be he’s the father ?!!! ImPoSsIbLe ! »

    Lynx December 23, 2020 7:17 pm
    IkrPlus, her reason to discover that the child was his daughter was that the girl was moving her eyebrows the same way than the fatherLike wth« Oh yeah she doesn’t look AT ALL like him, but she’s moving h... Nobody

    Hah. this story has so many holes an contradictions. It's probably one of the worst I've read so far. Did someone actually proofread this?

    Bambie_chan December 24, 2020 3:55 am

    And she is a nurse. How clueless can you be about pregnancy? One lover, one daughter, it's easy maths. No need for "discovery" here.

    This was indeed painful to read.

    Nobody December 26, 2020 9:00 pm

    Ikr, it’s as if many people who all understood the plot differently worked on this, each of them drawing a part of the story. That’s so messed up, and even though it’s the same kind of story than Harlequin, at least Harlequin doesn’t make so many contradictions on her works
    I’m still tired of those lowest IQ being FL and those trashy ML that will be forgiven because there’s a 1% of them that isn’t that trashy or because they had a reason to be like this (╬ ̄皿 ̄) Frl those girl don’t have a bit of dignity, always forgiving and ending up with the ML that legit treated her like sht

    SayerSong June 24, 2021 6:20 am
    Let's not forget that when side dude sleeps over he doesn't sleep on the couch according to sammie but she hasn't been with anyone else since ML... Where does side dude sleep? in the closet? Lynx

    I think that Sammie meant that Jamie wasn't allowed to sleep over at all. Thus why she asked Benedict if he was mommy's "special" friend. Because he got special treatment.

Nobody December 13, 2020 7:45 am

This should be a comedy bwahaha it’s amazingly cringe I’m dying

Nobody October 3, 2020 5:27 am

If y’all need I did a hella big spoil here

I know there’s a lot of comments and if some of you wants some spoil you can’t just keep searching for it, so here it is. I’ll put the link in some comments so that more people will have the chance to read it, if they want to

Nobody October 2, 2020 8:03 am

I’m gonna big spoil. Really big so if you want just some little spoil or something, don’t read it.


Okay, here we go. The manhwa could have a different ending than the novel, but I’ll be talking about the novel here. And I didn’t read the novel btw. I’ve just read a biiig summary in japanese, that I’m summarizing into this spoil.
This is tagged as « Romance », just as the novel. But y’all have to know it’s actually not a romance one. It’s wayyy more than that, for the first time in that kind of isekai there’s NO ML. We’re just gonna see the character growing up, and I’m actually so happy because of that ヾ(☆▽☆) We all like romance but dang, it’s about HER, SHE’S growing up, without the need of a boyfriend and that’s just amazing. Anyways let’s really start with the spoil now

So, as we saw, the MC will die. A magician will make Keira return to the past, ‘cause she’s « the real one ».
> The real villain of the story isn’t Cosette. It’s the dad, what an @sshole (But he’s hella hot. Still hate him af tho, but ugh why does he kinda look like Claude, and why does Cosette kinda looks like Athy, it makes me even more angry and confused. Don’t make them look like thiiis)
>>> When Keira died ; The dad will help the magician, because of his guilt (? or maybe just because he realized SHE was the real one loved by spirits. A trashy reason for a trash, it makes sense to me.)
>> There’s a thing about the dad being hypnotized, I didn’t really understood that part. But it’s not really important, cause he DID a lot of things, and killed Keira even though he knew she was his daughter (he knew it and wasn’t hypnotized. He still voted to kill her, I’m not sure why but he probably didn’t care since Cosette had the power, and so they thought she was loved by the spirits, « she have power so I don’t need you, just die » grrr)
When the MC returns to the past, the dad start to have some nightmares (of the futur, when he kill his own daughter and all. When he wakes up, he don’t really remember the nightmare and only remember the pain (be in pain yeah, you killed her you trash. And that’s not the only thing he did btw.)
-> Actually, the truth is that he never did directly something, like Cosette. (Well, he voted to kill his daughter, but he didn’t plot or anything) But the thing is that his action, his being, made sooo many people suffer. He destroyed everyone close to him. HE caused everything.
His first wife, for exemple. He watched her being insulted, abused, and never stood to her or said anything, which made the abuse even worst.
> The abuse was done by the family of the second wife, the mother of Keira.
He never said anything, ignored it all. And even when the family of the second wife hired assassins to kill the first one, he didn’t do anything, didn’t say anything, while he knew everything.
The first wife was slandered of being infertile (while she wasn’t). She was pregnant, of Cosette (Which means that yeah, Cosette is a real daughter too. That’s why she looks so much like the dad). And in her situation, to save her baby, she made a contract with a Demon, offering her soul to protect her baby and take revenge of the Parvis family (the one Keira came from), but what she didn’t knew is that she was pregnant of twins (a girl, Cosette, and a boy) >> I’m not sure about this part. The summary does talk about twins (« I didn’t know they were twins ») ; it’s either about the babies, so Cosette and a boy, or about the mother and her brother (cause she do have a brother, we’ll talk about it after)

The Demon took possession of the body of the first wife, and by doing so, killed the baby (Cosette). So actually, Cosette never lived, she was dead from the start ; which complete the prophecy, saying that only ONE daughter is the saintess.
Now, about Cosette (well, it’s not really her. It’s the Demon, in her body, while she’s dead (while she actually was never born alive), controlling the divine spirit ; that’s a little bit confusing. It’s not really clear if Cosette stole the spirit when Keira successfully invoked it and could control it because of her royal blood, or if it’s just the magic of the demon, and actually Cosette never had the water spirit ; Keira had it, but was so shocked that she saw Cosette using her magic (that look just like the spirit), that she never thought she successfully invoked it. She thought Cosette had it and so never awoken her power. It’s one of them either way, but I think it’s the second one, not sure tho this part is so confusing.

Now, the brother of the first wife ; he’s the only one of their family that survived. He wants to take revenge of the Parvis family, just like his sister. He’s the one who introduced Cosette, and he also made a contract with a Demon. In the first futur, their revenge was successful when Keira died, and life turned into Hell (must be why the magician and father returned to the past where Keira was alive)

In this timeline, the father’s way too different. Not as cold, wants to be treated as a father (a b/tch I’m saying, grrr)

The ending ; okay, now let’s talk about how different it’ll of what you expect
I know you expect her to be with a boy, and her father loving her. It’s not. Not at all.
As I said, there’s no ML ; no Romance as we know it. But she’s loving herself. Taking care of herself. Romance with herself lmao

>> She and her brother COMPLETELY cut ties with their father. They’re gonna explore the world, which they could never did (they were kinda locked up in the house since their childhood, because of their father.) It’s not like WMMAP or any manhwa where they end up liking their toxic father and all.

I seriously find it beautiful. Way more « realistic », isn’t it ? I kinda always hoped for an isekai/return to the past where the girl doesn’t live for love u know ? Where she lives for herself. And there it is. (there is some not about romance, but the MC is always a boy. Now we have some THIS same style, but with an heroine that really do it for herself you know ? She find herself, her own happiness which doesn’t imply a boy or a love life ; just her, and her brother, after cutting tie with the toxicity in her life)

    Its Bee October 2, 2020 8:02 am

    Duh thank you so muchლ(´ڡ`ლ)

    Ruri October 2, 2020 8:07 am

    tysm for spoilers. i also prefer this kind of non-romantic driven novel.

    Nobody October 2, 2020 8:10 am
    Duh thank you so muchლ(´ڡ`ლ) Its Bee

    You welcome (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Angiewie October 2, 2020 8:15 am

    we love the self love

    Thanks for the spolierss (▰❛◡❛▰)

    Nobody October 2, 2020 8:18 am
    tysm for spoilers. i also prefer this kind of non-romantic driven novel. Ruri

    You do right ? I’m so happy with the ending, that she really stand for herself, grow up. Also, I really like that they didn’t « force to love the father ». Those dads are always kinda trashy, and they end up loving their daughter which was the same here to, but I’m so happy she didn’t forgot all that he did and lived happily with him after that. He caused so much pain, which ended up killing his first wife, his daughter (Cosette), his second daughter (Keira before she returns, and which made them lose the saintess, making all the people live in Hell because of his stupidity, cruelty and coldness)

    Nobody October 2, 2020 8:18 am
    we love the self love Thanks for the spolierss (▰❛◡❛▰) Angiewie

    No prob ヾ(☆▽☆)
    Yeah we do ! It’s so satisfying

    akiradesu October 2, 2020 8:19 am

    Umm so keira and the brother one of the twin cut ties? And explored the worldヾ(*’O’*)/ thankkksss (=・ω・=)

    Rey October 2, 2020 8:26 am

    Thank for spoiler, please give me link for novel...

    Minnie October 2, 2020 8:33 am


    Francy21 October 2, 2020 10:18 am

    Thank you so much!! This made me look forward to the rest of the series much more that what I thought at the beginning!!

    Kei kei October 2, 2020 11:02 am

    God bless you ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    Nobody October 2, 2020 4:28 pm
    Thank for spoiler, please give me link for novel... Rey

    Do you want the Japanese novel ? The novel doesn’t seem translated in English. Tho u can use Google to translate it while reading

    Nobody October 2, 2020 4:29 pm

    It’s only in Japanese, I can give it to you if u still want it. You can translate it while reading tho

    Nobody October 2, 2020 4:32 pm
    Umm so keira and the brother one of the twin cut ties? And explored the worldヾ(*’O’*)/ thankkksss (=・ω・=) akiradesu

    No, her little brother ヾ(☆▽☆) We’ll see him in a few chapters, he looks just like Cosette
    We don’t know what happened to the twin, maybe he died from the demon too and the demon only took the corpse of Cosette (cause that way he can kill Keira, she was the only one who could stop him from making life into Hell)

    Nobody October 2, 2020 4:33 pm
    Thank you so much!! This made me look forward to the rest of the series much more that what I thought at the beginning!! Francy21

    Ikr (ノ≧∇≦)ノ It’s so nice to have at least one non-romantic novel

    Nobody October 2, 2020 4:33 pm
    God bless you ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~ Kei kei

    You’re welcome (≧∀≦)

    K__K October 2, 2020 5:07 pm

    The father is such a bitch

    Berf October 2, 2020 5:35 pm

    This is really realistic and I love that . Im so happy for her

    Nobody October 2, 2020 6:30 pm
    The father is such a bitch K__K

    Ikr grrr, his only « punishment » will be that his childs who he never took care of will cut ties with him

    Nobody October 2, 2020 6:31 pm
    This is really realistic and I love that . Im so happy for her Berf

    Yeah she have such a good ending She earned her freedom by herself, it’s so amazing

    wasabeets October 3, 2020 5:18 am

    fuck it yes btchhhh self love ┗( T﹏T )┛

    Amna October 3, 2020 5:43 am

    Thank you loved it you explained it nicely

    akera October 3, 2020 5:59 am

    omg she cut ties with the garbage guy ? YES !!!
    Honestly, I'm a little bummed about the lack of romance. I just want her to have everything and romance can be introduced in a way that enhances the story rather than make the MC reliant on a guy.
    But the lack of romance isn't an issue, as long as she leaves the shitty father in the end, it's an awesome ending

    Nobody October 3, 2020 6:14 am
    omg she cut ties with the garbage guy ? YES !!!Honestly, I'm a little bummed about the lack of romance. I just want her to have everything and romance can be introduced in a way that enhances the story rather t... akera

    Actually, romance could be on the manhwa. Sometimes, to please more people, they do change things from the novel to the manhwa. If a lot of people, after reading the novel, where disappointed that there wasn’t any, they could add it to the manhwa ! But I feel like it’ll be such a waste, it’s so beautiful that way

    Nobody October 3, 2020 6:15 am
    Thank you loved it you explained it nicely Amna

    No prob

    Nobody October 3, 2020 6:16 am
    fuck it yes btchhhh self love ┗( T﹏T )┛ wasabeets

    Yeees ヾ(☆▽☆) She’s a queen

    Asukara Mitsuki October 3, 2020 7:31 am

    Kiera brother is a real sister boy...........He would even follow her during her first date

    Nobody October 3, 2020 7:37 am
    Kiera brother is a real sister boy...........He would even follow her during her first date Asukara Mitsuki

    He’s so cute lmao ヾ(☆▽☆)

    Nanayurina (novel writer) October 3, 2020 5:37 pm

    Wow first time hearing a father as a villain here lol so much fun scorning him eh(๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Dimension Breaker October 4, 2020 3:17 am

    Thank you! This is what that disturbing Abandoned Empress should have taken route. Im in love with this story.

    Rababruby October 5, 2020 11:37 am

    Thank you so much! Even though I wanted her to end up with Sir Joseph I’m still happy that it’s going to focus on her development

    Angiewie October 5, 2020 11:43 am
    It’s only in Japanese, I can give it to you if u still want it. You can translate it while reading tho Nobody

    can you give it to meeeeeee~

    Angiewie October 5, 2020 11:45 am
    The father is such a bitch K__K

    obviously, he is a bitch because he da villain ヽ(`Д´)ノ

    Rababruby October 5, 2020 1:40 pm
    This is really realistic and I love that . Im so happy for her Berf


    Rababruby October 5, 2020 1:42 pm
    This is really realistic and I love that . Im so happy for her Berf

    ME TOO

    Gristly October 11, 2020 6:14 pm
    It’s only in Japanese, I can give it to you if u still want it. You can translate it while reading tho Nobody

    Can I ask for the link UwU

    RM22199 October 12, 2020 3:17 pm

    Thank you so much! I'm soooo glad to come across a MC who lives for herself.

    Fosca October 19, 2020 11:58 am

    That sounds wonderful, thank you!

    Luffy October 19, 2020 12:00 pm

    omggggggg thank youuu, now I have the reason to continue this

    UM NO March 18, 2021 12:17 am

    When I was reading the spoil I was like Damn...damnnnn......dayummmmm.....DAMNNNNN why so many paragraphs lmfaooooo thanks for the spoiler

Nobody October 1, 2020 6:57 am

I’m gonna BIG spoil y’all. Be ready (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ I don’t know if the story will follow the novel though


So there we go. She won’t divorce yet actually (in the novel she won’t, idk if she will now)
On the novel, they stay married 7 years. After that happen, the husband have to work hard af for 7 years because of his stupidity and his f/cking behavior of « I will never listen to my wife, she’s a lying wh/re » (@sshole grrr)
Anyways he was actually in love with Opal since the dance (YES, HE’S IN LOVE WITH HER. AND YET HE TREAT HER LIKE SH/T.)
Anyways after the 7 years, he properly propose her. But it was actually too late, she was like « f/ck off did you forget what you did to me » (yes queen (๑•ㅂ•)و✧) and reject him.
What’s sad is that either of the b/tch of the husband « really suffer » (actually the husband do a little I guess cause he gets rejected and all but that’s no way close to what they did. And the husband could never see the b/tch as more than a little sister, so I guess she suffer a little too from an unrequited love but it’s so frustrating)
Anyways after some time the husband (Was his name like Hubert or something ? I’m sorry but I don’t remember well trash names u know) have to remarry. But well, his new fiancee is like « GET RIDE OF YOUR B/TCH I WON’T ACCEPT TO LIVE WITH HER » (like any NORMAL girl) and then he goes see Opal for advices but she’s like « You deal with YOUR sh/t, we’re not in a relationship anymore, it doesn’t concern me » (that’s my gurl)
Anyways he cancel the engagement because he really cares about his childhood friend, she’s really like a little sister for him. After some times, he fall in love again and is rejected. He finally decides to not marry (staying alone for the rest of his life, DESERVED) and to give what’s his to Opal when he dies.
For the b/tch who kept accusing Opal and faking to be ill and all, after the first engagement of Hubert (the canceled one), she finally decided on her own to leave somewhere else, to move on. (Finally... But it’s too good of a end for her I’m so disappointed at this part lmao, at least if she could never move on and stay suffering of her unrequited love until the end of her liiiife (I’m so evil dang it, can’t be happy that those trash didn’t suffer more, and even more than this girl actually had quite a good ending lmao))
For our beautiful MC, her reputation is actually restored ‘cause after their divorce, there was some rumors saying she cheated on Hubert and that she was a wh/re and that’s why they divorced and all but Hubert actually explain it (thank you for doing at least one good thing here trash).
Also, Opal’s childhood friend is actually the illegitimate child of a king, he was gonna leave to become « worth of her » and propose her but when he came back she was married with this sh/t ╥﹏╥ When they divorced, he propose her and they gets engaged. (Btw the trashy Hubert actually accuse her of having cheated on him with her childhood friend when he saw them so close and she’s just like « dang it shut your mouth, sh/t keeps coming out of there » (You wish she said it like that lmao, too bad she’s too much of an angel for that), anyways she told him all the years they were married, her childhood friend was away, out of the country.)

After that, the story takes place on the kingdom of the illegitimate prince. (They can’t live in peace yet uh)
The friends of Claude (the friend & now fiance) don’t like Opal and plots against her (always some sh/t on those mangas, alwayyyys). They kidnapped her and lock her in the attic, wanting to destroy again her reputation (and her engagement) by saying she left with another man, making use of the old rumors. She’s saved and all is okay. They gets married.
Again, some sh/t happen. The maid of Hubert (the one who served her sh/tty tea) become pregnant, and Hubert as the sh/t he is reject the fault on her, dismiss her.
Opal search for her and keeps trying to hire her as her maid, but the maid keeps rejecting it out of guilt. Opal’s like « I don’t care about YOU sh/t, I care about your baby, can’t let him die from hunger out of your stupidity »
Turns out the father of the child is the one that actually caused Opal to suffer so much, from rumours and all. That guy keeps promising girls he’ll make them marchioness or something, keeps raping some and all (yeah, Opal was gonna be raped that first day when the rumors started but she was saved) and then leaving away. In the end, he’s arrested and the maid finally realize she was used. She accept the offer of Opal and keeps thanking her.
They finally lives happily after that !

What do y’all think about it ? Did you hope (too) that the sh/tty characters in there ended up worst ? I guess the mangaka’s to much of an angel lmao, she actually made a good ending for them but I can’t satisfy my anger with that (/TДT)/
Poor Opal, losing 7 years of her life)

    Nobody October 1, 2020 6:59 am

    How many times did I say sh/t or sh/tty here lmao ?
    Not my fault if the manga’s filled with sh/tty characters and behaviors

    seelistenlearn October 1, 2020 8:00 am

    Thank you I had to know she wouldn’t end up with that trash I would have dropped this so hard.

    Kat.flu October 1, 2020 8:51 am

    Thaaaaaaank you so much ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ I’m so happy she didn’t put up with that bastard.

    Skyler October 1, 2020 4:37 pm

    THANK YOU! now I don't have to keep waiting for weeks looking out for manga updates only to overcome with severe distaste for the ML trash. Each time a chapter comes out i look forward to some character developments or some redemption arc but I only see DISAPPOINTMENT after DISAPPOINTMENT! I'm finally dropping this manga im really thankful i didnt waste more time on this (▰˘◡˘▰)

    Yuki~tan October 2, 2020 1:11 pm

    This really great, wow~~
    I'm so glad she doesn't end up with that fucking trashy bastard~
    Uk no matter what they always end up with the trashy ML but I'm glad it's not like that her~~
    I'm so looking forward to the updates~~

    Kat October 4, 2020 2:12 pm

    wow thankyou! I'm glad she ended up with her childhood friend and I agree why are there still happy endings for the shitty people (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸 I think I will join you being evil(≧∀≦) the poor girl waste so much energy and time on that dumb dumb...

    H1th3r3 October 13, 2020 6:14 pm

    If this was a chinese manhua she would of stayed with the shitty husband or atleast "fall in love with him". I'm glad they got divorced.
    This guy makes stupidshoe look like a saint.

    Hikariz October 14, 2020 1:54 am

    Where can I read the novel?

    ella5911 October 18, 2020 5:55 pm
    If this was a chinese manhua she would of stayed with the shitty husband or atleast "fall in love with him". I'm glad they got divorced.This guy makes stupidshoe look like a saint. H1th3r3

    Omg soooooo damn trueeeee!!!! This is why I can't read Chinese manhua lol

    krazynbaby November 5, 2020 6:30 am

    dance as in since chapter 1?? what kind of a person treats their crush like that bro wtf (but we all know he’s f/cking stupid and doesn’t think before he acts but still wtf)

Nobody April 24, 2020 4:01 am

Damn why do I always start such masterpiece before it’s completed... Even though I know I can’t wait...

Nobody April 24, 2020 3:55 am

Anyone have the team link please ?

    Nobody April 24, 2020 3:56 am

    Like the discord, or idk, their insta or something

Nobody April 17, 2020 5:47 pm

Omg. It was so twisted, so deep at the same time. I kinda really, really, really enjoyed that, because damn that feel so realistic, I know there’s some sickness about some people falling for their kidnapper or anything and damn, seeing that really made me feel like that relationship so fucked up really had something deep in it. That obsession, that sickness, it’s so twisted, but so realistic, so deep... They didn’t receive any proper treatement for their sickness, which lead them growing up with these dark feelings and those twisted minds, that obsessive need of the other one. Really, that’s a beautifully disturbing and twisted story, about how the past can affect a person and can make her grow up as that kind of person

Nobody April 16, 2020 9:58 pm

Omg how weak
And the worst is that it’s kinda realistic, but I still can’t take it
I mean, some girls are like that, and if they were on that situation I don’t think they could be more of a boy than this girl, your personnality and your weakness will probably be showed just like her

But damn girl it’s not that you’re physically weak, you’re just so weak mentally, that’s kinda tiresome to read

    Jeyyy April 16, 2020 10:23 pm

    She's annoyingly weak

    Grit April 17, 2020 2:33 am
    She's annoyingly weak Jeyyy

    Annoyingly so

Nobody February 11, 2020 4:47 am

I HATE THAT I KNOW THAT THIS B@STARD IS THE ML, don’t waaaaaaant tooooo, the story is so good though... But I will never like it like it deserve to be, all because the ML is an @ss who were already ploting to make the b*tch his queen before even meeting the MC. I don’t care if he loves her, or if he’ll be good to the MC in the end, because the fact that he was an @sshole will never change.

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