Who was say "Bro hated being a slave in another world so he goes to be a slave for the government when he's back" ? You are kidding lol. If you read the first chaps carefully, there's a clearly statement that he want back to his original world because of his GODDAMN CRAZY OBSESSION OF THE GAME THAT'S TOTALLY NOWHERE TO BE FOUND IN ISGARD ! And there's a clear statement too, he doesn't like the food shit there. think about it, who would like the world that so primitive when you just enjoying being obsessed with currently internet and all of fucking advanced technology here in the earth ?! If I being honest, A story like this is actually much more realistic than the other story about isekai so far. At least, the motivation of his want to be back to earth is because the internet and all advance technology here, is reasonable.
Eh what ... that's all? TT damn I want more this series ....