(-.-)Zzz・・・・ August 30, 2023 4:09 am

they act like shinji and kaworu

(-.-)Zzz・・・・ August 15, 2023 7:00 am


    Shelly99 August 15, 2023 10:46 am

    Welcome to History

    Kenma August 15, 2023 10:58 am

    Well after all it was very common to for a teen boy and old man to have relationship during Edo period.

    Shelly99 August 15, 2023 11:08 am

    Not only in Japan, ancient Western civilizations also had this practice for a long time. And in the manga, it is sadly Momo's backstory, but since he met Manji, he is healing from the abuse and trauma.

    (-.-)Zzz・・・・ August 15, 2023 1:28 pm
    Welcome to History Shelly99

    sure it's history, but do you really have to make fan fiction of pedophilia? on these years?

    (-.-)Zzz・・・・ August 15, 2023 1:29 pm
    Well after all it was very common to for a teen boy and old man to have relationship during Edo period. Kenma

    It that makes it alright to illustrate PEDOPHILIA?

    dudewhatlmao August 15, 2023 2:26 pm
    It that makes it alright to illustrate PEDOPHILIA? (-.-)Zzz・・・・

    dear god bro fiction is fiction, period. someone wanting to make a historically accurate story doesn't translate to their actual morals. if you don't like it, move on. don't waste time fighting for pixels on a screen lmao

    Yao May August 15, 2023 2:30 pm

    damn dude, actually telling others to kill themselves really says something about you as a person, specially when you're reading manga. Hating is one thing and telling people kill themselves is another, really mature of you

    Shelly99 August 15, 2023 2:38 pm
    dear god bro fiction is fiction, period. someone wanting to make a historically accurate story doesn't translate to their actual morals. if you don't like it, move on. don't waste time fighting for pixels on a ... dudewhatlmao

    Thank you! I always find it weird when people read stories that have the Historical tag and then get triggered because of a historical fact. The Historical tag in my opinion, is a trigger warning in and of itself if you know even a tiny bit about world history. Plus, the author never states that she or he approves of pedophilia it is just a part of the story. They don't shy away from also including the horrid parts of history since it is a historical fact, which I applaud. It is a fact that these teahouses and these relationships happened and we can't change that. History is often amazing and simultaneously horrible. If these people dont like historical content then they shouldn't read it.

    dudewhatlmao August 15, 2023 2:44 pm
    Thank you! I always find it weird when people read stories that have the Historical tag and then get triggered because of a historical fact. The Historical tag in my opinion, is a trigger warning in and of itse... Shelly99

    honestly. and it's crazy because the moment they see something they don't agree with, they immediately disregard the rest of the story and its messages. how do they get anywhere in life with that mindset? we're supposed to consume media, take what we deem valuable or worth learning from and leave the rest, then move on. if we truly can't handle it or hate it, then we save ourselves the trouble and exit immediately. it's a basic life skill. assuming that people are this and that despite not knowing them and telling them to kill themselves are digusting behavior

    Kenma August 15, 2023 4:09 pm
    Thank you! I always find it weird when people read stories that have the Historical tag and then get triggered because of a historical fact. The Historical tag in my opinion, is a trigger warning in and of itse... Shelly99

    I agree.They are just portraying what was in the history and I appreciate it. Honestly I read this manga cuz I was curious about Japan history and this helped a lot in knowing the culture of Edo period. I mean if they hate it they can just ignore no need to criticise

    (-.-)Zzz・・・・ August 15, 2023 5:26 pm
    honestly. and it's crazy because the moment they see something they don't agree with, they immediately disregard the rest of the story and its messages. how do they get anywhere in life with that mindset? we're... dudewhatlmao


    Shelly99 August 15, 2023 5:55 pm

    I think you misunderstand us. We are not defending pedophilia because it is History, but we are acknowledging that it happened instead of erasing it. Just because people understand something or someone doesn't mean they defend or tolerate it. I wholeheartedly believe that the author doesn't tolerate pedophilia but still chooses to acknowledge it in a HISTORICAL Manga since it is and was part of their history and society. You can't just skip parts of history just because it is not compatible with your modern-moral standard, if so we would need to erase nearly 70% of the world's history. They had other morals and norms back then and the author is portraying that in her, again, HISTORICAL piece.

    (-.-)Zzz・・・・ August 15, 2023 11:26 pm
    I think you misunderstand us. We are not defending pedophilia because it is History, but we are acknowledging that it happened instead of erasing it. Just because people understand something or someone doesn't... Shelly99

    stop using fancy words to lie, just admit that it's true.

    Shelly99 August 16, 2023 7:11 am

    Apparently, you don't want to have a discussion on the subject, and that is ok but don't tell everybody who reads the story that it is only about pedophilia. It is not! Yes the subject does come up, for max. 3 chapters, since it is part of Momo's backstory when he was a child and is historically rooted, as mentioned over and over in the threads above me. But Momo and Manji are both grown adults, with Momo being 21 and Manji, I believe, in his early 30s. So both are, even from our modern morals and standards, ADULTS. The story itself is about self-love, self-acceptance, friendship, and the love Momo and Manji have for each other in a time when it definitely wasn't common. If you can't see this, then I am very sorry for you. On the other hand, I can also understand if you really can't read about certain subjects, which is completely fine, but then move on and let the other people on this side who can distinguish between fiction, reality, and the historical past read in peace.
    This will be hopefully my last take on this, and I wish you a nice life.

    Zypel August 16, 2023 1:29 pm
    stop using fancy words to lie, just admit that it's true. (-.-)Zzz・・・・

    Dude fking chill you literally read shit on illegal website and tell other people what's good and bad? Go fk urself

    (-.-)Zzz・・・・ August 16, 2023 3:51 pm
    Dude fking chill you literally read shit on illegal website and tell other people what's good and bad? Go fk urself Zypel

    fuck u go back to sucking ur daddies dick

    (-.-)Zzz・・・・ August 16, 2023 3:52 pm
    damn dude, actually telling others to kill themselves really says something about you as a person, specially when you're reading manga. Hating is one thing and telling people kill themselves is another, really ... Yao May

    Oh my? imagine telling someone you attempted suicide because someone online told you to, all because you're defending pedophiles

    Flying_Bunny August 16, 2023 4:23 pm
    Oh my? imagine telling someone you attempted suicide because someone online told you to, all because you're defending pedophiles (-.-)Zzz・・・・

    Oh my. Just read fluffy stories. What are you even doing here? (≧∀≦)

    Yui August 16, 2023 6:18 pm
    Oh my? imagine telling someone you attempted suicide because someone online told you to, all because you're defending pedophiles (-.-)Zzz・・・・

    somebody has the brain of a pre-puberty 13-year-old who has never heard of cyberbullying, or maybe the fact that you are one of the cyberbullies has made your eyes blured? no one is defending pedo, please move a long and have a nice day

    (-.-)Zzz・・・・ August 16, 2023 8:50 pm
    somebody has the brain of a pre-puberty 13-year-old who has never heard of cyberbullying, or maybe the fact that you are one of the cyberbullies has made your eyes blured? no one is defending pedo, please move ... Yui

    ok but don't hmu again

(-.-)Zzz・・・・ August 14, 2023 10:12 pm

same artist as the food porn guy

(-.-)Zzz・・・・ August 7, 2023 7:14 am

when is the gl side story over? its so daaamnn boring

    Anniexoxo August 7, 2023 11:40 pm

    I haven’t read this story in so long cuz I was waiting for the gl sorry to be done and overrr

    Jiafei_slay August 8, 2023 3:25 am

    ONGGGGG BRUH CABT wait for the bl story

    Ash's Gun August 22, 2023 7:52 pm
    ONGGGGG BRUH CABT wait for the bl story Jiafei_slay

    Look at you literally hating on gl but being totally fine with bl

    Jiafei_slay August 23, 2023 2:54 am
    Look at you literally hating on gl but being totally fine with bl Ash's Gun

    Bro what? Who tf is hating

(-.-)Zzz・・・・ August 4, 2023 10:12 pm

iddk how he blew him off lmao even tho he hated him, and I would've been limp asf tbh

(-.-)Zzz・・・・ July 31, 2023 4:44 pm

lmao so now she likes asumi? or is just obsessed because she will give her the attention she wants?

(-.-)Zzz・・・・ July 21, 2023 8:51 pm

tbh i do not feel sorry for "doc" he played with so many boys and never thought about the consequences, and that incest shit... that should've caused the mc to dislike him, but for some reason he liked him more? also mc is ugly asf , he looks like hulk if he did crack

Mary July 21, 2023 2:59 am

im dying, i feel like it's too late to say im dropping this manga... but im dropping it

Mary July 21, 2023 1:05 am

best manga so far

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