People really like this type of size difference? For me I find it scary, cause it means that if man your man ever looses his temper and hits you this could very well be the last time you walk on earth.
That's less to do with the person's size and everything to do with the type of person they are. If a man wants to hurt you, he's going to do so regardless of what he looks like. If a man wants to treat you well, he's going to do so regardless of what he looks like.
There's nothing inherently wrong with their size difference. It's really about your perception of men and your fear of what they're capable of. So people who don't have those fears wouldn't share those sentiments. In fact, from another perspective, some women would be reassured by the size difference, because it makes them feel protected. It’s just a matter of perspective and personal preference.
I mean even if he’s not abusive if he ever plays roughly with you he could just go ahead and break your back/wrist/arm/ankle/neck without even meaning to.. Did you aver fake wrestle with your man and started feeling helpless cause he didn’t move an inch ? Like if he holds you down, or try to force intimacy there is nothing you could ever do to get out of his lock.
Clearly, and I know most small girl like much bigger men. I’m not small at all, I’m literally 180cm, imo if I found myself in a relationship with this much size difference as theirs I would find it scary. I never said there was something wrong with it. “I” find it scary, if they don’t it’s all good, but I’m just sharing my pov on the question.
Welp, I’m 158 cm and my exs are 177, 186, 191… Still they never laid their hands on me, no yelling or cheating either. Of course I love size difference but it’s not like I will date every tall man on earth. Some are scary and shady, some don’t. Which is why I always make sure to date only the man I feel safe to be around.
Excuses so half baked it could be used as baking yeast . Who tf do you think you’re talking to ? You glared at him while locking him in room for 11 years with nothing but disdain on your face ,while paying people to rape him, and after drafting mercenaries after mercenaries to bring him back, half dead if necessary, you dare talk about forgiveness?! I know his wife has been rolling from one pole of the earth to another in her tomb
I’m discovering there is spoiling and “spoiling” when your father is literally a prince and the head of knight, both grandpa are respectively the emperor and the richest man in the empire and your mom got the biggest dark intelligency in the empire, there could never be anything on this earth you will ask and not receive even the day you first started walking is a reason to make it an official festival and holiday.
I’m waiting on some manwha to get 100 chapters before reading them and I just wanna ask the chat if anyone knows interesting manwhas who does have 100+ chapters..? If not then I guess I’ll just start those in my waiting list