Annabelle98 February 22, 2025 12:50 am

Lessgoo crackpair capitano x kakyoin ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

Annabelle98 January 19, 2025 1:17 am

This is like twilight all over again

Annabelle98 May 14, 2024 10:40 pm

Unpopular opinion but I think the MC family is the asshole in this. I dont understand story where the family keep secret important and crucial info about your kid from your kid. What happens if your kid suddenly went into heat in the middle of the street just because he thought he was beta all his life? I dont think the parents really think about their own kid safety.

And about the engagement to the crown prince. Like wow how could you keep it a secret? I really cant believe I say this but I dont think crown prince is in the wrong. Yeah he's weird for saying things like you will have my baby at first meet but thats like awkwardness on his part and not red flags to me. And if you tell me he was being selfish to MC, I'm gonna defend him here and say the fault is in MC's family. Their family knew he's engaged to the crown prince, knew he will get married to the imperial palace, knew he will be the crown princess with his palace duty ig and didn't say anything. Like if I was MC I'd be pissed if I spend so much time and effort to my dream career which I bet his parents also knew and to just at the last second be told, "well actually you gonna be royal and do royal duty so ig that thing you worked so hard for can be a little hobby on the side."

Again with his parents, is it really that hard to just say the truth to your kid and dont keep secret about something big that will affect his life from him? And if any of you say, "they just want him to live a normal life," well I think that BS and just cruel. MC probably has his life planned out and to just suddenly be told, "hey you're actually an omega and engaged to the crown prince so yeah forget about your dreams cause you're gonna go to the palace and have royal duties." Their parents could give him heads up you know like, "hey you're an omega but cant smell any alpha but still be careful and actually you're gonna be the crown princess and marry the crown prince at his coming of age ceremony but thats still 10 years later so yeah enjoy your normal life till then." At least dont let your kid have dreams and career he's working hard for if you knew he can't do any if that in the end.

    Annabelle98 May 14, 2024 10:45 pm

    To add why I dont think at this point in the story the crown prince is a red flag, he raised as the crown prince and knew he's gonna get married to MC, its MC's family job to tell MC that. The ML is just really awkward to communicate with his first love and I can roll with that. Finger crossed he'll stay like this till the end and not become a redflag.

Annabelle98 March 27, 2024 3:02 pm

Bro that kingdom where he lives sucks so bad!! The king sucks the nobles sucks all of them just fucking corrupt and greedy. Hope ML will whisk MC away to his kingdom in the end. After revenge ofc because wow that kingdom (the king and nobles) deserve it

    Da titties Hunter March 31, 2024 3:36 pm

    Tbh that kingdom (the horrible one) sounds like my country lmao

Annabelle98 March 18, 2024 9:01 pm

Like we only have description so far as proof. There isn't any scene to show that. Even on the first ch where they meet, ML doesn't show any behaviour a lover of underground boss should be like being all over the old man, he just lounging around like he's the boss. Even that old man glance at him for confirmation after hearing MC answer. Pretty sure ML is the actual boss.

    R.K. March 19, 2024 6:09 am

    I was thinking the same. Everything is just hearsay about the lovers. He doesn't seem to have any shame, so hanging out in his boxers to pretend to hide behind the scenes doesn't seem like something he wouldn't do.

Annabelle98 March 12, 2024 8:16 pm

Bro he doesn't even know that his bf is there listening on his conversation with that other guy. And do you really expect him to come out to that random guy?? He just went along with anything that guy said of you look closely it clearly said he was spaced out during that convo. I think you all hating on the ML for no reason.

Annabelle98 December 21, 2019 7:08 am

I read this because someone recommend this manga if I want a good laugh. Didn't expect that last chapter tho. It hits close to home. I understand the MC's feelings about wanting a relationship where he can just show affection and love like the hetero does. I live in Asia and hell just saying you are bi makes you a sinner. Damn I just want to laugh not to be reminded by reality.

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