This is by far the healthiest and most wholesome omegaverse I've read! The reason why he doesn't want to have children k word me
I truly wish you guys of one age group would stop stepping in on conversations in order to "defend" someone else in your group. Dpey is clearly strong enough to fight his own battles. Intervention casts him in the role of a victim who needs help. That's not a good thing. Your explanation is posed after the fact. He made the statement about the work as a whole. Make this argument in your own topic is my suggestion. To me, it just feels like two against one: bullying.
I don't believe so, that's them sharing their view. Those are their opinions and how they see with the other's perspective NOT bullying. That's not 2 versus 1, in MY view that's just a response on how they interpreted op's view of the story we just read compared to others that of the same genre. But that's my take on it, you can take it like an argument or just an opinion
I'm sorry but i dont think you can freely categorise all yaoi like that. Firstly, I admit there are ero stories and such. But sweetheart, if you think yaoi is only limited to that, I think you're highly mistaken. You seriously need to discover good stories. And coming to your "healthy and wholesome" worry, if a story has less disturbing elements and portraying a good and healthy relationship.... I feel the reader feels that too. Plus, it's completely a person's opinion of how he describes something. I'm not judging you or anything, but I believe you don't have the right to do that either. I don't think you should be bothered if anyone finds a story healthy or wholesome.
Omegaverse is not simply limited to BL...it just so happens to be the main output...and thats what OP was referring to in the first place...and in most cases omegaverse (especially omegaverse yaoi/BL) seem to be unhealthy and for the most part uncomfortable to read....so seeing a omegaverse yaoi that wasnt horrible on the mind was fresh to the op...and yes yaoi can be healthy and wholesome?????? just cause its its porn art doesnt mean porn art cant be healthy and wholesome....
Sweetheart feels condescending to me if you don't mind. I really was not commenting on the quality of a story, nor am I worried. I don't see how my comment, which is true, has much to do with other people's rights. It's completely my opinion how I describe something. You might not be judging, but it's certainly a matter of you trying to put me in my place, no one is going to like that.
I'm not bothered. I just don't think healthy and wholesome are appropriate terms to describe adult fictional yaoi works. Wholesome carries a food connotation, and healthy carries a "taking care of your health" connotation.
omegaverse is an invention that emerged directly from yaoi. it quickly became a yaoi convention.
i don't see any genre as being unhealthy. this genre has little to do with health. it is adult entertainment. it's lovely, but no one gets healthier by reading it
wholesome by definition meas good and beneficial for everyone, including children. that ain't yaoi. lol
this is utter crap, and I do know what bullying is. You seem to have those tendencies. Wholesome is not a word for this genre. Yaoi a lot of nice things, but wholesome isn't one of them. You used dynamic and wholesome in the same sentence.LMAO. By the way, shut up already. This is me bullying you. You don't know when to stop, do you?
Well you were the one who said I'm just putting front my opinion and to not "bully" you on that right... But apparently weren't you just bullying the one who presented their opinion before yours. And coming to your connotations, ever heard of collocations? Anyone familiar with English knows how they're used
Can you give me a list of BL manhwa or mangas with angst but happy ending? Would really appreciate it! Thank youuuu
I just made this list yesterday i i haven't edited it yet but skip
15 and enjoy!
I need me some completed, angsty with a happy ending manga/manhwa. Send me some recs please
ANEMOIA || heartwarming⠀⠀ᴺᴱᵂ ˡᶦˢᵗ
Follow the list to be updated. And if you liked the mangas/manhwas I included, please do recommend. Enjoy~ (人 •ᴗ•)
This was so beautiful but i really hoped they did worse to that crazy mf! I want him electrocuted and drowned too hmp!