from the moment i found this manhwa i never regret putting this manhwa in my top 3 (second highest) its really give me serotonins even the angst part! even when a lot of ppl say shit abt LP i never back down, only strong soldier who would love this kind of story i think. andddd god pls im sooooooo in love with lucky paradise i hope the side story worth more than 25 chapters i dont want to say goodbye plus i really need woojin+yitae story <333
i dont understand why people keep making a content using illegal translation? do you aware scan team is illegal? why being so fucking stupid sharing the chapters in social media. what r u gain for? the scan team spend much times to translate the chapter so we can read in good quality. instead being thankful, there u are exposing to world that u read illegal. heres the worse timeline if theres ppl keep sharing illegal translations : ppl make a content using illegal chapter —> the author might found out —> they get angry and the manhwa might get on hold or the site will take down again just like what happened when fujomelon got exposed ((u guys remember that moment right??)). u guys exposing the illegal translation and when the manhwas get on hold or the site is take down then u guys wondering why would that happened??? when u guys are the one who leading them???? stupid af
also time, effort and money that scan team spend for us just go waste. please stop make a content using the scan team translation. this also applies if people keep spreading the illegal tittle. if someone ask you whats the title, its only take a second to check the official title of the manhwa. its not hard effort. there is really a lot of uploaders who upload the official chapters, they are really hero, shout out to them <333.
please in here we are all illegal readers, at least use our head to act smart. illegal readers should act low and not to attract the authors. we should be grateful we can read this so comfortable. so please, stop spreading the scan team chapters to social media and stop spreading the illegal titles. its not hard right