Its cute but I just kind of hated the forced bond...I mean what if the omega never fell for the alpha you know. Idk I read the story twice to see if maybe I'd like it more and its ok at best. I'm not so much bothered by the rape (its rampant in yaoi) as I am by the omega's complete lack of choice. I mean how horrible to be tied to a stranger for the rest of your life. It's ok bc this manga is cute and makes it all 'ok' and ends on a cliche (unrealistic) I suddenly love you too but still... this story just rubbed me the wrong way
Lol I've read this so many times and listened to the blcd XD its so straightforward and sweet. <3 I wish the rest of it was on here
Scroll down to the grey box and hit play it streams right from the site. Theres one little issue though some of the tracks got swapped around which sucks but if you listen a few times you can figure it out by following the manga. It's actually rly good
This is such a beautiful webcomic, like super pretty art I just wish there was like just a little bit of sexiness... I mean just a little rofl