Sometimes I feel like I am being to sensitive to harmless comments

yeah my friends usually say that actually lol
i told them i read BL and stuff and one of them was too disgusted by that.idk
and then she was like
"was i being homophobic?" the answer is yes.
there's no such thing as "too sensitive"
harmful comments are bad and shouldn't be existed. don't feel bad for other people's harmful attitude, they're dumb and stupid and maybe don't deserve love.

Does it ever bother you the amount of times in Yaoi a character is like “ I don’t like men I only like you” like it’s romantic or something. Why can’t the character just admit they are a bit gay or bi? I mean coming to terms with their own sexuality could be a plot point.
Edit: I know there are cases like this in real life. I’m just bothered by how little there is of characters discovering they were wrong about their sexuality which is probably more common in real life.

I am an almost 20 year old female and I don't think I have ever had a crush so I feel I maybe asexual or a late bloomer(?). I rarely think guys are that good looking but I think a lot of girls are. But I think most people this girls are generally better looking than guy. I sometimes fantasize about a future where I live with a professional type, confident and kind of lady in a flat and we cuddle on the sofa and other fluff. I read that fantasizing about someone of the same sex doesn't make you gay though. Also it may be due to me consuming to much gay content like shojo ai and gay memes. As I have said I have never had a crush and my fantasize never go beyond making out. Also I read yaoi but very sexual yuri and hetro smut make me uncomfortable. Have any of you thought like this?
You often see lesbians calling themselves and others a top or bottom but neither has a dick (I prosume) so why are there tops and bottoms?
Also is it really that common to have these labels?
I think that they mean the dominant and submissive when they refer to top/bottom.
These labels are common in fiction - yaoi and yuri - but it doesn’t work like that in reality. Most lesbians don’t follow a role, they are versatile I would say. And when it comes to gay men, it’s kinda the same, a majority is switch.
I kinda thought so. The majority of real people I see using the term seem young and likely inexperienced
Top and bottom refer to whoever is giving pleasure and receiving it, it’s not about dom/sub as you can have a sub top or a dom bottom