All of you are rather harsh on Rashta. In my opinion the king is the trashiest. Although rashta is a bit of a bitch she is only like that due to the unfair slave stuff and she must do these things to survive. The king is just an ass for the sake of it. He takes a lover but gets angry at the empress for even talking to men and expects her to be friends with his concubine. What a hypocrite!

I understand trying to survive but I think she can do that without damaging or hurting other people, the emperor is already crazy for her too! And I agree with him but I notice he perceives trashta as a good person, in reality he is being played hard! So naive and stupid emperor = yes, but trashy= hmmm kinda yes but there is a but-

Untill now she was just ignorant, rude and rash. And greedy, yes. And shehid her true character. But there was no direct harm til nue, no noticable. All the harmfull things and insulting things were done by the emperor till now. On his own rash biased accord.
But I guess trashda will do more stupid things and I guess she will drive herself in a corner and then do really harmfull things. And we all already know she will be very greedy and want to become the empress.
But what doesn't make her trash- is that she is no saint as she portrays herself to be. In that sence sh eis just like any other favor seeking hoe.

if simon is executed for his crime and chris marries luka then who will be the heir to the throne? will it just become a democracy or are their royals we dont know about? i feel like the mangaka hasnt planned this well. also bang aqa has some raws of ch37 but it is only 8 pages. this mangas gonna be a long one
Am I the only one who thought yuzuki and makoto would be a couple?
I still have hope <3
I meant to put