Abaddon February 22, 2025 11:44 pm

Oh no, it's retarded(/TДT)/

Abaddon April 13, 2024 12:03 am

there's definitely a part of me that wants something like this to be the end. Dan dissapears into the sunset and Jaekyung just has to deal with his own shit. Would be nice

    BaileyBot April 13, 2024 12:12 am

    Instant 5 star review if that happens

    Mayonaise_Chicken April 13, 2024 12:14 am

    I've always thought of that too, like in many kdramas jdramas... What if they never come back... But once I watched something where the male lead na female lead never ended up together and just went thier separate ways, I felt real discomfort and it was so unsettling I had to watch multiple things to get them off my mind, I guess cause we're not used to that ending but it's not that I disliked it, it was so uncomfortable and unfamiliar in a way

    Abaddon April 13, 2024 7:29 am
    I've always thought of that too, like in many kdramas jdramas... What if they never come back... But once I watched something where the male lead na female lead never ended up together and just went thier separ... Mayonaise_Chicken

    I kind of understand why it would make you uncomfortable, but frankly I think it would be refreshing. Just a story with 2 people with a certain amount of love just fucking each other over out of spite. No Romeo-Juliet they died so I must die. just simple I loved you but you fucked that up kind of spite. After all, you can only really hate something if you cared about it deeply.

Abaddon April 8, 2024 12:39 pm

this entire comment section is what I would call "Horney and confused"

    Lune April 9, 2024 12:24 am

    I haven’t read it yet but just the summary got me so confused

Abaddon September 9, 2023 7:42 pm

I know this is just a robot translation that the mangago bots nicked from other sites, but damn... this made everything hurt

Abaddon August 13, 2023 11:36 am

Honestly, say what you want about the plot, but can we just appreciate the author/illustrator giving jaekyung actual boxer ears instead of regular pretty ones?

    Tuule August 13, 2023 11:56 am

    Honestly i didnt even notice it until last chapter.. Like i had to go and check older chapters lmao i really appreciate that detail

    Meruemshu August 13, 2023 11:57 am

    I noticed them at the beginning of the story and I find them so ugly I just avoid looking at them

    Mikaela August 13, 2023 12:05 pm

    I literally though Author draws these ears for anyone but I noticed it was just Jaeckass.

    Meruemshu August 13, 2023 12:08 pm
    I literally though Author draws these ears for anyone but I noticed it was just Jaeckass. Mikaela

    Jeackass? Are you the type of person who reads toxic stories just to cry about the toxicity?

    Meruemshu August 13, 2023 12:10 pm
    I literally though Author draws these ears for anyone but I noticed it was just Jaeckass. Mikaela

    And it's not just Jaekyung it's all boxers in the story

    Mikaela August 13, 2023 12:17 pm
    Jeackass? Are you the type of person who reads toxic stories just to cry about the toxicity? Meruemshu

    Mf where did you see me crying about it? Don't be mad because I call the rapist a jaeckass lmao.

    Purky August 13, 2023 12:18 pm
    Jeackass? Are you the type of person who reads toxic stories just to cry about the toxicity? Meruemshu

    Girl why are you so prissed? Just let ppl call a fictional character whatvs they want
    I dont think jae hired you as his personal lawyer did he?

    Meruemshu August 13, 2023 1:45 pm
    Mf where did you see me crying about it? Don't be mad because I call the rapist a jaeckass lmao. Mikaela

    I'm asking if you're a crybaby that's all

    Meruemshu August 13, 2023 1:47 pm
    Girl why are you so prissed? Just let ppl call a fictional character whatvs they want I dont think jae hired you as his personal lawyer did he? Purky

    where did you take the pissed part from? And I can also defend a fictional character if I want to, what's your business in it?

    Meruemshu August 13, 2023 1:47 pm
    Girl why are you so prissed? Just let ppl call a fictional character whatvs they want I dont think jae hired you as his personal lawyer did he? Purky

    Did that girl hire YOU as a lawyer?

    Meruemshu August 13, 2023 1:48 pm
    Mf where did you see me crying about it? Don't be mad because I call the rapist a jaeckass lmao. Mikaela

    Also you're clearly crying I just wanted to know if you're a dumbass and you are, I can now move on with my day


    Meruemshu August 13, 2023 1:49 pm
    Girl why are you so prissed? Just let ppl call a fictional character whatvs they want I dont think jae hired you as his personal lawyer did he? Purky

    Go get your pay check social justice warrior

    I'm moving on with my day lol bye

    Mikaela August 13, 2023 2:26 pm

    Whatever helps you sleep at night. <3

    Purky August 13, 2023 3:19 pm

    3 comments? Oof. Ig youre right. Youre def with not a single doubt, not pissed.
    Have a good day then mate

    Abaddon August 13, 2023 11:38 pm

    Bro... I made a comment about ears... wtf happened here?

Abaddon July 23, 2023 4:11 pm

i thought the "device" was a glue gun and he would try to but the laptop back together, and I'd already started panicking for the laptop, but no... it's just another sex toy ┗( T﹏T )┛

Abaddon July 21, 2023 6:11 pm

"that's my only shirt!"
Boy... priorities... please...

Abbadon July 20, 2021 11:39 pm


    sechan July 20, 2021 11:57 pm

    I was gonna comment this lmao

    Stinky July 21, 2021 2:14 am


Abbadon July 19, 2021 10:04 am

gotta love how all of us see a healthy relationship going well and all our alarm bells are going off like an airstrike.

    (⊃✖ 〰 ✖)⊃ July 20, 2021 10:00 pm

    Can you blame us tho lol, toxic relationships are so common for some reason, we rather be safe than sorry

Abbadon July 11, 2021 5:04 pm

so not only did the guy make a move on a minor, the store's not paying him actual money for al the work he's doing????

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