This manga had the chance to set itself apart by pairing the professor and Hajoon together or just doing something interesting with them, but it ended up being like 99% of the rest.
At this point most mahwas would switch to the second couple since the first one is doing relatively ok. I'm curious about the cop dude, I liked the storyline with his hyung.
Lmao, why were his damn shoes still on, who does that?! The same thing happened in On or Off and so many other manga, it's distracting. With that said, that was hot and I'm gonna miss them :(
Lmao, why are his shoes still on? Did he take them off to take off his pants and then put them back on or he had one of those velcro pants you can just rip-off? So many questions.
I wish someday we can get a healthy seke manga completely rid of shitty gender roles and gender essentialism, because this ain't it chief.