sending virtual hug to you baby hyun oh
I can't stop myself from simping baby bear he looks so cute and handsome man in this chapter ugh
can't get enough of jooin's cuteness ugh!!!
cannot wait to see lee hwa's middle finger pointing to this famous tennis player that we don''t want to be here...
The fact that i can see that happening in my head
can someone kiss me too when i'm struggling or panicking? coz I think I need to calm right now!
can I try too? coz I really want to forget him...
Me too..
small li'l tiny gesture makes my heart go uwuuuuuu uwuuuuu
didn't expect that... i'm blushing oh gaaaahd! I want a lover too
and that's the time when he knew he fucked up...poor kenta president of simping toma?Mr. Kenta and here I am secretly simping over him. uwuuu
i'm so disappointed in you param. .. you agreed to have a DATE with hwi on sunday but what did you do? I just can't ...
sending virtual hug to you baby hyun oh