The art really isn't consistent
I do draw lmao but i don't need to draw to know if stuff don't look good. Don't act like you're better than me your on this same illegal site reading the same stuff without paying. I can say whatever I want about it and me critiquing it is not being disrespectful or complaining, i noticed something and I said it. I'm still gonna read this illegally just like you sweetie. So please go cum of your dick and get of my comment thank you
Oh you see but here is the difference between me and you, I respect other artist and don’t say anything about their art :) and you are complaining by saying that the art is not consistent but like if your an artist then you should know that??? Like your art changes every month lmao it’s called improvement, and yes I’m reading this just like you and I’m not saying anything about that but if you are not paying for it you have no say in it, so please learn to respect people and stop being such a fucking petty bitch and think people are here to please you Btw the art is good so I don’t even see anything wrong with it if it bothers you then don’t read it. You can leave nobody stoping you lmao
Alright sweeitie, just don't hurt yourself on your high horse okay? Me saying the art was inconsistent didn't mean i dislike it or that i was gonna stop reading. That's not being disrespectful but it doesn't seem like you understand that huh. But if jumping on a stranger makes you feel better than who an i to judge. Have a nice day
Honey, like I said, art styles changes very very very often, so you shouldn’t even be saying anything, and also if you didn’t mean any hate then why say it??? It’s like you wanted to say something bad. The way you expressed it look like you didn’t like it nor though it was good. Please keep your opinions to yourself if it anit gonna help. And before you say something like “you should keep your opinions to yourself” I’m just defending myself so it’s even. And I didn’t jump on you all I said was I meant to dislike and then you blew up on me so please shut the fuck up thank you
Toooo long, didn't read. Damn, your just aching for my reply huh? I thought I made it clear that I don't give a shit about what youbhave to say, since its irrelevant. So this just a warning that I won't read or reply if you comr crawling back. So please go and find some peace somewhere else okay babe? Mwah
I like Benjamins but he has way too much of a male savior complex. Like I understand he likes her and is worried, but he obviously sees she has everything under control? She doesn't necessarily need any of his efforts.
I personally think that he doesn't have too great of a savior complex? Like regardless if she can handle everything, from an outsider's point of view having to fuck and give birth to the child of a wolf isn't that great. Not to mention she obvs doesn't love him since she wanted to get divorced and she was originally forced into the situation. As her friend + someone who has a crush on her, I think it's kinda natural for him to want to help out.
HwixParam is superior in every way