Big created a topic of Under the Green Light

Why is it always like this....someone always ends up moving like tf

Big created a topic of Manhattan Melancholy
Big created a topic of Within My Shadow

If he doesn't handle that shit with other guy who hurt him I'm dropping this shit like fuck no

Big created a topic of God's Man

Imagine been lost and coming cross his home just to peak into the window and witness him getting fucked by something you can't see ......I would be so scared

Big created a topic of Projection

Can anybody tell me how this develops pls I'll still read it if it's spoiled j just wunna know

Big created a topic of Manhattan Melancholy
Big created a topic of March

Can someone just spoil it for if they have red the novel? I'll still read it I just wunna know

Big created a topic of Cash or Credit
Big created a topic of Mary Jane

TMI....but damn I want butthole and inner thighs to look like that lmfao

Big created a topic of Don't Mess With the Puppy!

I love the switching back in forth, I love seen him puppy form he's so sassy!

Big created a topic of Between Fate And Fortune

Yeah you shouldn't have left him..

Big created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

Anybody got spoilers because this can't be the end...I wanted them together

Big created a topic of Monster and Ghost

Wtf was that!!! No no!!!!! You can't leave me hanging for weeks!!! Tell me it isn't so? Btw this is such good manga like the cliffhangers chefs kiss...k bye

Big created a topic of Beyond Memories

As much as I'm a fan of these types of Mangas like I'm so over not giving explanations or the miscommunication like TF are teenagers that we can't tell each other that's going on how feel what our plan is...but whatever....

One more chp and will see him in shambles ヽ(`Д´)ノ I can't wait!!

Big created a topic of The Foul

Y'all need to call down it's just the beginning of the end that's all. This is the moment the tables turn, and I'm looking forward to it. I don't think this story is supposed to be like some Cinderella happy ending type shit. It's suppose to be harsh fighting till the end to get yourself out of a situation you didn't create yourself to fight for normal life you never thought you could have.

Big created a topic of We Only Held Hands

Pls an updated or if someone knows about the raws pls spill them!!

Big created a topic of Toxin

Watch the person who actually killed and hates his kind is actually the other brother(the nice one) and the antidote he rejected to know will be something he's begging to leave to save the emperor one day...idk just my thoughts but I might be completely wrong

Big created a topic of The Melancholic Conman

So is Jintae dead or not

Big created a topic of Within My Shadow

I thought he was gunna defend him...what is this shit...