Hello pls update
Pls fan me
Is she suppose to do something better than finding a bride for that jerk? She’s too powerful for that. I mean this is wierd story but I enjoyed it. Love the love and hate between them
Wish he won’t kill him
Nahh at this think i knew bro think with his DICK
But executed well. Only that Smexs wast not hot enough kind uncomfortable to read. But we’re are the babies?
Needs help, it’s inflamed I guess
right lmao bros got a extra pair of lips and he aint even a woman
lol, that hole is wild and wet it’s wrong
I kept reading cause I like comical part
Are just babies, why make them go through with this? This is wrong but the story is engaging and cute art.
This way better than kissing a frog anyway! I fully support this relationship. I love this keep going
Waiting for more! I love how ML fell in love first and shooting hearts. They have great chemistry which I find rare only few in my lists.
Hello pls update