Am I the only one who thinks this is fucking insane?? They just kidnapped a man and injected random shit into him to make his fucking uterus grow thats actually so fucked up and disgusting. Like they just kidnapped someone for their constitution and injected them with shit to make them able to produce children for the sole purpose of creating an heir and completely uprooted this mans life. Thats genuinely so fucked up and frustrating that the author keeps trying to portray it as something thats a small mistake or an okay thing to do as long as they throw in comedic moments to lighten the situation but this is genuinely one of the WORST portrayals of a extremely fucked up situation I have ever seen. None of this is ok and me personally if I was in that situation I wouldve just killed myself

Not sure why this is rated so high. The story is super badly paced

I agree that i dislike stories that are rushed but this story has an unessacry
amount of scenes that do not progress the plot or get me more attached to the characters and those scenes are not built upon at all. It just feels like the manhwa of filler episodes. I think the story is very badly paced and this is my opinion. You are free to feel otherwise

Dont want him to end up with the black haired guy... I like pink hair guy alot more. Rooting for him

even if pink haired guy acts like a fuckboy and ends up dumping dan, he will still treat dan like a human being. not a possesion. i'm pretty sure if he asks dan out, and dan says no, he'll back away.
tbh dan deserve better than any of these two guys. and here i thought jaekyung will have some redemption but NOPE.

One of the first comments displayed says the blonde guy is annoying because he flinches instead of explaining why he does so and calls him annoying. Someone is not annoying for not wanting to immediately tell some stranger their trauma when they involuntarily flinch because of trauma?? Sorry that was just really irritating to me. It's totally normal to have your guard up after being traumatized he's not a jerk at all? I'd say he's the opposite of one based on his actions and he is even making an effort to interact with the black haired guy.

I've read alot of BLs with rape and toxic situations/ power imbalances and atp having such scenes is inevitable in most BLs. But sometimes I do wish that they spend a few more panels or chapters delving deeper into the psychological and physical affects on the victims. I felt the scenes where the author addresses the trauma and psychological changes of the bottom (i forgot his name whoops) due to the top (forgot his name too..) was pretty satisfying because it was more than what most manhwas do. I appreciated seeing the top realize what he had done to the bottom psychologically and feeling remorse because in a lot of other manhwas the bottom forgives the top and somehow ends up apologizing to their rapist. I do think this is the bare minimum but not alot of BLs even reach the bare minimum. Their relationship is clearly very toxic and with a severe power imbalance and both appear very mentally ill and in very toxic situations but the characters feel a little less one dimensional than other BLs to me because we get to see consequences of each individual action each character takes. I wish there were more scenes addressing their trauma but this series is far from finished so I'm holding out for more content.
This some genuine bs the only way the ml can redeem himself atp is suicide a million times