___ add 1 photos to Beautiful
___ created a topic of Night Journey

Where ya at?

___ created a topic of The Problematic Prince

Like they really had no reason to do Erna dirty(no matter there opinions about Bjorn or Gladys they should have just done their job, kept it pushing instead of gossiping), these servants out of hand.

___ created a topic of Myst, Might, Mayhem

Stop before bro off's you lowkey

Old handsome trash


Ugly(?), shit, must be rage bait.

___ created a topic of Avoiding the Heavenly Emperor

So is the empress just conveniently going to unban the dad now cuz the former emperor wasn't meaning ml; and fl is gonna be empress?

___ created a topic of One Husband Is Enough

talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, shit on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it.

Let me know if I should get into this realistically, because I usually gauge a read from the first few chapters,I read until chapter 3 but I wasn't feeling it so I went to gauge based on the comments section and current chapter, and from what I see fl seems a bit unnecessary(rude and extra, a short no thankyou would have sufficed but she just told her whole damn life story to the crowd)and my view from the first 3 chapters she has the personality of a overripe tomato. So should I read this?

Bro didn't hesitate to leave

___ created a topic of Solo Farming In The Tower

Now I wanna see Honduran white bats, so cute!!!

___ created a topic of The Problematic Prince

If the baby would've survived if he just went to damn sleep (`Д´)=凸

Out of pocket but; those were some nice looking graves.