I have 2 friends who do very small origami cranes, the girl got so many people sitting next to her in the train to start a convo and would give them on dates I think it made her stand out one time a girl asked her out on the train after giving her a crane. The guy left them all over the study halls of his uni and now he's sort of a legend, people started recognising him, I don't know if he got dates but he's denser than anyone I know! (I do not live in Japan btw)

Nah man I'm giving this up, ml has not changed a bit and there's no longer any excused. He keeps just ignoring very reasonable boundaries and then blames mc, and the story seems to think this is fine. I thought mc was getting better at not being a doormat but he's not ad ml is not any less controlling. What even was the point of all this
You know heejae is dumb af he took dating advice from wooyeon