AAAHHH at least reject him nicely and explain to him why...he's no stranger after all, you should be kinder to someone you've basically seen grow old...sigh, fmfeel so bad for Dereck, ah why are these stories so upsetting seriously?!?! Give me my fluffy wholesome and heart warming slice of life, I have enough f*cked problems IRL, I suffer enough in my life, I don't need this in stories and fantasy that are supposed to heal me and be a nice balm for our tired hearts and souls. Tsk, no wonder most of rely exclusively on food, precisely comfort foods, to help us through the day, tsk, this is so upsetting I'm literally gonna eat to feel better then I'll just get sick physically, haaa, seriously if anyone here has any story that is actually good for the heart I am all for it, I really don't need anymore pain, I am exhausted, everything has been horrible why can't I find any healthy histories with good people, good stories where everything just goes smoothly, I don't even care if it's dumb, as long as it's kind and sweet that's literally all I want! I want comfort and relaxation, not more stress and worry aaaahhhh!!!
i'm in love with this