i don’t think the artist ment to make their drawings a caricature of black people but unfortunately they did and that pisses me off, not towards the author, but the western society that has - throughout history - pushed a narrative that this is what black people look like and obviously it has had influence on - now foreign countries and just shows that black people continue to be dehumanized. and to all the people in the comments talking about “oHh yOu gUys nEed to sTop haTing, iTs jUst an ArT sTyLe” please check your privilege. i am not black either but how would you feel if media you consumed depicted you as no more than a generalization of your entire race. again, i think the author ment well and the coloring style and painting style of the art is gorgeous but i’m probably not going to read it as i don’t want to give any type of racist media attention (even if it was ment well)
I need bromance yaoi where they play fight and hate fuck lol :p very much bro very much gay very much hate to love each other <3 kinda like vibe between the 2 guys in 19 days (black hair and red hair I forget their names) please no “uke seme” height or size differences I just want to read a cute story about a couple of gay bros, can be shounun ai or yaoi can be short or long but preferably not longer then 10 chapters
These are kinda like enemies to lovers vibes, if that's what you're looking for!
Bro waje needs to hire a writer, she’s such a a good artist but Jesus this story is so corny
Waje has a writer, its zzinbam
Well she needs to fire them
I'm still not over the whole Cain being a reincarnated dog-thing like wtf was that????? we're just not gonna mention it again???