i used to like this manhwa so much, but just no.
i’m gonna read this till the end but i REALLY can’t like seungho and i hope nakyum finds a super cut handsome guy who will treat him in the way that he deserves, BUT PROBABLY the author will make some redemption arc and shit and we all gonna fell empathy for seungho and i HATE this idea. and the worst, probably at some point of the story the author will make nakyum do some shit and fell sad about hurting seungho and i’m just like, “no”???????
and like, we are at chapter 60??? we are running in circles with this. it’s kinda annoying cause ABSOLUTELY nothing was developed until now. i mean, seungho started do show his feelings for like 3 chapters i guess and then FUCK EVERYTHING THE FUCKING IDIOT IS BACK. i fell we will have a LOT of chapters with no happiness coming for Nakyum (because now we have Nakyums sister and ex teacher, the psycho guy who like seungho, seungho’s father/illness/past, Mr. Kim and his conflict),,,