FujoshiClub's experience ( All 0 )

FujoshiClub's answer ( All 3 )

about scared of
In my opinion you shouldn't identify yourself as a lesbian or bisexual but more like the one with "still exploring" (I don't remember the used term for it, sorry), of you don't like that then maybe stick to bisexual? You did say yourself that you don't like the term lesbian because it was/is used negatively in your environment and that you don't kn......   1 reply
16 08,2020
That's just what I think: In my opinion, if a m*rderer k*lls someone the person is already dead and won't be mentally/physically damaged in any way which could fuck up their live (even more). However it could be traumatic for their loved ones and everyone around that person. In fiction I sometimes don't mind if there's a m*rderer because at some p......   2 reply
03 08,2020
I'd like to join too~ my line ID is: dangstraight   reply
04 01,2020

FujoshiClub's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

want to do touched grass

@murcielago u claiming that ur the creator means that ur laziness in itself and since i'm laziness incarnate, i.e, i am u and u are me

8 minutes
did life changing stuff

new season of arcane is life changing one more week for the last episodes to come out •.•

1 hours
did be a follower of god cale

for life !!

1 hours