Can someone spoil me? Is there still hope for Derrick? I still look forward of him realising that he s controlled
The last chapter leaves everyone in the blinds. What. The hell. HAHAHAHAHAHA
... Good try on the translation. Maybe work on the structure. Thanks!
I don't get the argument on whether this is bl or not??? It works both way. This is fiction.
Just looking forward. I hope he don't give that bird to the nephew or someone
i feel like im the only one not liking the switch no why tf did they switch huhhhh
Okay, so he didn't lose the game. It feels good that he got punch in face so many times, this cant compare how doc is feeling right now. I mean I don't wanna say it but the grandma is gonna die soon in the later chapter. That's the only thing that is holding the doc down. He gonna leave and join another gym or even like they gonna find out that he's not spy. Whatever it few great in the next few chaps.
What I predicted previously of the gift went wayyyyy worse than expected. Now again, haaaaa, I don't even want to look forward. The misunderstanding that he leak out the information and cause either the jerk to lose the match or got seriously injury.
Then because the misunderstanding, he stop the support of the grandma and that caused her to passed away.
Hope my prediction this round won't come true
The story s controlling the characters again... like... wtf eclics
Finally a great story but DONT STOP THERE!!!! OMG I CANT SLEEP!!!!
I'm just here for the drama. Come on!•~~ remember everything and regret!!!!! WHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH