GingerbreadMilk's feed

It's not just thin, the bodies look unhealthily thin. The talk about dieting and how seo jeong (the bottom)'s ex looked was really scary to me at least. The picture of the bodies that showed when he was talking about how his type were thin guys were really bony and looked too thin, like anorexic thin. I know people can be naturally thin but he even said he was on a diet but he's so thin already. This doesn't seem like a healthy skinny, and seeing ribcages and constant talk about bodies and how you like thin guys who look anorexic doesn't seem healthy but korean standards are quite toxic so I could see that.

Hye sung (the top) isn't even fat. He's built just right for his sport and is obviously very healthy. He has good muscles too. It's honestly really uncomfortable to see all the details with the rib cages and thinness of the characters who are 'models' that are super skinny, the bottom, and constant talk about how hye sun is so big.

It's made even more uncomfortable when you see how hard of a time seo jeong has with eating food. Like he literally didn't eat anything except one bite of that lettuce wrap. Even then he said he was on a diet. No wonder he runs to other people when he sees them eat.