honestly why does he have to get so angered because he’s suicidal? he should try and help him, not just leave him alone. he’s doing more harm than good.

i can see ur point but also kinda try and see it from Jaspers side. He made a new friend despite being so unlucky. Only to find out they’re using him to be their cause of death. He was using Jasper to off himself, that’s what we know so far in the story at least. Imagine if Hart succeeded how do you think Jasper would feel, knowing he was the cause for Harts death? I think right now especially because he’s still a kid basically he doesn’t really understand and he’s very scared what’s gonna happen if he trusts Hart with whatever he says bc he can just turn around and try to harm himself again after holding hands with Jasper. I do agree Jasper needs to just listen to him, but i understand why he wouldn’t want to. He is ruining a friendship and his own happiness but I’m guessing if he sacrifices their friendship so Hart stays alive he would see that be worth while which i understand. However i do think he went too far with that last statement.
plz no i hope this doesn’t end up bad