So JJ wasn’t wrong when thinking doc Dumb would come back to him if it’s about money.. the thing is, we all think doc Dumb is the victim because we can read his inner thoughts and see his good intentions when doing things.. but what JJ had seen until now is a person who offers himself for a good check, accept to work for him for the double and ending up asking for more money even in advance because he exhausts himself into spending tons over gifts.. when what is required is simply being more focused on the athletic conditions of JJ and paying attention during his matches..damn, JJ is the person who let you live in a penthouse to eat healthy and sleep well for free, paid your debts and knock off your shark loans, paid your grandma hospital bills and guarantee her the new cures, gives you an extra profitable full time job and literally saved your life …if I didn’t have the possibility to read doc Dumb’s mind and see his actions, he would easily sounds like a money grubber to me … and now that he can says what he wants to say and act like a 30yo would (because yes, doc is 30 and he is older than JJ), he get naked and offers himself if it’s about money … mmmh… come on, it was avoidable .. what about saying "you can't fight yet so it's useless to talk about the jinx. Did you really come all the way here for sex?”… or “I distanced myself because of your behavior so I don't think everything can go back to the way it was before…do you have to tell me something else about your move here?" .. but noooo ….
Ahhh.. to be honest, I would have preferred see a more mature version of doc Dumb.. this time he could have easily handled things differently for once…
I also understand the rush to please us with erotic scenes, I just hoped it would happen differently …