thetruenickname created a topic of Jinx

Honestly, i thought the author would propose something like bj alex, which i wouldn't have disliked anyway…. Until ch. 63 the dynamics led me to think that things were predictable but this.. WOW!! ch.63 and 64 - what a show! here is the character i like to see in Dan!! Dear Author, thanks for the great s3x scene (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ when Dan treats him badly JJ gave the best of himself! AND - in this last chapter, i'm happy to have read something more about Dan’s hidden personality and unexpected behavior, he makes me so tender.. ohhh boy.. i hope that at this point JJ also starts to appreciate him more as a person, and not just for pity … would he see this boy's value ? He for sure care about him, let’s see how this story develops

thetruenickname created a topic of Jinx

Woooooe I really loved it ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄ those lights and colors.. omg so hot! Seeing JJ with the uncensored d1ck and miserable craving for doc attention and kisses was cooooool and satisfying! ! And Dan is sooo cute, I love the fact that he still likes him but refuse to let himself 100% into the mood! He is making JJ nervous ahaha let’s see how they handle this!!

For anyone saying it’s like BJAlex.. the author sure has its signature into making similar storytelling but this artwork is fire, their expression and details are crazyyy!!!

(PS: before this chapter I was considering the boredom into seeing wrecked bottom selling their body for money like it’s nothing but .. helllllllllll, I honestly would given all my holes for free for JJ sex appealing… ╥﹏╥ …)

thetruenickname created a topic of Jinx

Shall we make a bet? What would you like to see in the next chapter between:

1 - they start doing it but JJ stops in the middle and refuses to continue because something feels wrong.

2 - they do it but Dan faints from weakness

3 - something else (and what specifically?)

which scenario do you have a feeling will happen?

for example, I would like 1 to happen but I kinda feel like we would see 2….

what about you?

thetruenickname followed a goer

I'm busy so I cannot entertain you. I'm collecting reads for my list but dunno when I'm going to read them.

08 02,2025
thetruenickname followed a goer

fuck off bitch

08 02,2025
thetruenickname created a topic of Jinx

So JJ wasn’t wrong when thinking doc Dumb would come back to him if it’s about money.. the thing is, we all think doc Dumb is the victim because we can read his inner thoughts and see his good intentions when doing things.. but what JJ had seen until now is a person who offers himself for a good check, accept to work for him for the double and ending up asking for more money even in advance because he exhausts himself into spending tons over gifts.. when what is required is simply being more focused on the athletic conditions of JJ and paying attention during his matches..damn, JJ is the person who let you live in a penthouse to eat healthy and sleep well for free, paid your debts and knock off your shark loans, paid your grandma hospital bills and guarantee her the new cures, gives you an extra profitable full time job and literally saved your life …if I didn’t have the possibility to read doc Dumb’s mind and see his actions, he would easily sounds like a money grubber to me … and now that he can says what he wants to say and act like a 30yo would (because yes, doc is 30 and he is older than JJ), he get naked and offers himself if it’s about money … mmmh… come on, it was avoidable .. what about saying "you can't fight yet so it's useless to talk about the jinx. Did you really come all the way here for sex?”… or “I distanced myself because of your behavior so I don't think everything can go back to the way it was before…do you have to tell me something else about your move here?" .. but noooo ….

Ahhh.. to be honest, I would have preferred see a more mature version of doc Dumb.. this time he could have easily handled things differently for once…

I also understand the rush to please us with erotic scenes, I just hoped it would happen differently …

thetruenickname created a topic of Jinx

When JJ says to doc Dumb “We both know how much you love money. I guess what I was giving just wasn’t cuttin’ it, huh?” my heart just BOOOOM…. Wow…. Wooooow… I never thought about it… but let’s think of it together…only US, the readers, know what’s in doc Dumb mind, what’s he is living and what’s his feelings… but if we see their interaction through the storyline and JJ point of view it was all about the money for doc Dumb. Every. single. time. Dumb decide to have segs with him because of the money he was offering, even if he told him he is free to leave if he’s not ok with it. Next day he left early without saying a word and not responding calls unless was told about the huge amount of money offered for the job. And asked for more to accept. He also asked to be payed in advance… for JJ birthday he thought about earning and spending a lot of mone for a present instead of thinking about his condition and needs (which he is employed for..) .. and now that! … wow, that’s what JJ has seen.. I’m not defending him because we all know he has a bad attitude and enjoy treat people harshly so.. red flag - he can go to f himself but.. Can’t blame him at all…

For doc DUMB: I can’t say more than you already said.
In conclusion, they are just a failure in communication. Both.

thetruenickname created a topic of Jinx

Why you all mad at this work of art, I mean... if you don't like it, why are you here commenting and discrediting the artist too? Even if the 80% of published manga are poorly drawn, with usual dynamics and cliché characters, full of forced porn disguised as romance, I don’t read all of this negative comment! (╯°Д °)╯Personally, I think you actually like this story so much that you feel unconsciously involved on a visceral level, even if you don’t admit to yourself and talk shish about that! otherwise it can't be explained that you are here to comment every day, not just during the publications... if you don't like this, if it doesn't evolve the way you would, if it’s not matching your imagination and you have something against the artist simply don't read it and find something else to enjoy! We’ll get over it and you don't even need to warn us in the comments, just don't read or open it! ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

thetruenickname like topic of Jinx

Why everyone’s mad at Joo Jaekyung and treat doc Dam as the victim here? I mean, first night he asked him if he’s ok fvckin for money and doc says yes. He also agree with being hired to fvck and help him deals with his jinx and medical conditions every months. All Joo Jaekyung ever wants is him to take care of his athletic conditions and sexual needs but doc Dumb continue to act like this things were never discussed. JJ payed all of his debt and medical treatments for his grandma just to allow him to do his job as best as possible, taking care of him at 360 degrees. Of course JJ was mad at him in America, doc Dumb know about his sleeping issues and needs, but spent the night laughing hard and not worrying about his condition. (Also the jinx, always remember he is high payed monthly to take care of it, especially the day before fighting). Of course he was mad at him for his birthday gift, he was not spending time doing what he was payed for but wasting himself over a stupid kaychain. He is n1 MMA fighter paying a dumb to spent all his money and time over stupid things or caring about others first instead of him. And the day before this match he doesn’t even deal with him about the topics for which he’s hired. He’s payed to do so. He’s payed to be professional. He agree on that, no one forced him. So he HAVE TO act as a professional or just leave. Oh, but of course he would not because he prefer getting JJ’s money, sometimes even in advance. Btw I’m so in love with this psychological story and art, just can’t understand why you’re acting like you’re not really reading it (is more like you’re just watching the drawings instead of understand the conversations and subtle expressions or details). Bye !

thetruenickname created a topic of Koisuru Boukun

Me: I’m so tired of this, there’s not progress in the story is so boring now..
Also me: let me check if there’s an update!
Also also me: tsk, of course there is not an update… bah… I’m so mad at this…. *start re reading it*

thetruenickname created a topic of Jinx

Why everyone’s mad at Joo Jaekyung and treat doc Dam as the victim here? I mean, first night he asked him if he’s ok fvckin for money and doc says yes. He also agree with being hired to fvck and help him deals with his jinx and medical conditions every months. All Joo Jaekyung ever wants is him to take care of his athletic conditions and sexual needs but doc Dumb continue to act like this things were never discussed. JJ payed all of his debt and medical treatments for his grandma just to allow him to do his job as best as possible, taking care of him at 360 degrees. Of course JJ was mad at him in America, doc Dumb know about his sleeping issues and needs, but spent the night laughing hard and not worrying about his condition. (Also the jinx, always remember he is high payed monthly to take care of it, especially the day before fighting). Of course he was mad at him for his birthday gift, he was not spending time doing what he was payed for but wasting himself over a stupid kaychain. He is n1 MMA fighter paying a dumb to spent all his money and time over stupid things or caring about others first instead of him. And the day before this match he doesn’t even deal with him about the topics for which he’s hired. He’s payed to do so. He’s payed to be professional. He agree on that, no one forced him. So he HAVE TO act as a professional or just leave. Oh, but of course he would not because he prefer getting JJ’s money, sometimes even in advance. Btw I’m so in love with this psychological story and art, just can’t understand why you’re acting like you’re not really reading it (is more like you’re just watching the drawings instead of understand the conversations and subtle expressions or details). Bye !