Woooooe I really loved it ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄ those lights and colors.. omg so hot! Seeing JJ with the uncensored d1ck and miserable craving for doc attention and kisses was cooooool and satisfying! ! And Dan is sooo cute, I love the fact that he still likes him but refuse to let himself 100% into the mood! He is making JJ nervous ahaha let’s see how they handle this!!
For anyone saying it’s like BJAlex.. the author sure has its signature into making similar storytelling but this artwork is fire, their expression and details are crazyyy!!!
(PS: before this chapter I was considering the boredom into seeing wrecked bottom selling their body for money like it’s nothing but .. helllllllllll, I honestly would given all my holes for free for JJ sex appealing… ╥﹏╥ …)

Shall we make a bet? What would you like to see in the next chapter between:
1 - they start doing it but JJ stops in the middle and refuses to continue because something feels wrong.
2 - they do it but Dan faints from weakness
3 - something else (and what specifically?)
which scenario do you have a feeling will happen?
for example, I would like 1 to happen but I kinda feel like we would see 2….
what about you?

I chose 3, something else like,jk is having a bulge but will refuse to continue seeing Dan's state. I mean,yeah,his beast was awaken but he will fight that beast within him for Dan's sake and for his pride. He will relieve himself. Idk, it's just a guessed. I also like the number 1 in the choices. I also think that it is Dan who will stop in the middle like what Jk did to Dan's look a like in that public restroom. Jk will feel rejected and will fully realize that Dan really change. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

What I’d LIKE to see, is Jaekyung unable to perform because Kim Dan will just lie there like a mannaquin. What will PROBABLY happen is that they’ll end up having full-on crazy sex, because that’s why the fans of this manhwa are reading this and they’ve been in a months-long dry spell… so why bother trying to advance any semblance of a plot?

I think 3. Cos I don't believe he'll stop in the middle and I believe Dan will last until the end in a cold way. Jaegeng hasn't done it for a long time, so I believe he'll lose control of himself and go hard against Dan and it won't last long. In the middle he won't resist and do something intimate like a kiss, leave marks, a hug, something that Dan will refuse or turn his face away.

So JJ wasn’t wrong when thinking doc Dumb would come back to him if it’s about money.. the thing is, we all think doc Dumb is the victim because we can read his inner thoughts and see his good intentions when doing things.. but what JJ had seen until now is a person who offers himself for a good check, accept to work for him for the double and ending up asking for more money even in advance because he exhausts himself into spending tons over gifts.. when what is required is simply being more focused on the athletic conditions of JJ and paying attention during his matches..damn, JJ is the person who let you live in a penthouse to eat healthy and sleep well for free, paid your debts and knock off your shark loans, paid your grandma hospital bills and guarantee her the new cures, gives you an extra profitable full time job and literally saved your life …if I didn’t have the possibility to read doc Dumb’s mind and see his actions, he would easily sounds like a money grubber to me … and now that he can says what he wants to say and act like a 30yo would (because yes, doc is 30 and he is older than JJ), he get naked and offers himself if it’s about money … mmmh… come on, it was avoidable .. what about saying "you can't fight yet so it's useless to talk about the jinx. Did you really come all the way here for sex?”… or “I distanced myself because of your behavior so I don't think everything can go back to the way it was before…do you have to tell me something else about your move here?" .. but noooo ….
Ahhh.. to be honest, I would have preferred see a more mature version of doc Dumb.. this time he could have easily handled things differently for once…
I also understand the rush to please us with erotic scenes, I just hoped it would happen differently …

i’m too lazy to get into all this in detail lmao but:
- jaekyung is the one who propositioned dan first, all those chapters ago way back in season 1. dan at first gave him a very vehement no
- dan avoided jaekyung after their first time together and it was jaekyung who kept harassing him lol. until dan went back to him asking for more money, sure
- jaekyung finds out pretty early on that dan is not/has not in fact been using any of his fuckass money on himself unless you count trying to get himself out of debt + his grandma’s hospital bills + the basic necessities one needs to live as extraneous spending…i think it’s within the first 10-15 chapters that jaekyung sees the absolute state of dan’s apartment and comments on the “stench of poverty” and asks dan how/why he can live the way he does lol. and dan is like “what you want me to give you some sob story so you’ll want to pay me more” or something along those lines (a clear expression that dan does not want the charity and is in fact humiliated at needing it at all). jaekyung also finds out dan is malnourished within that time
- speaking of those: it is to my recollection that dan never asked jaekyung to pay off his debts, pay for his grandma’s treatment, or anything else—dan indeed asked for more pay and/or advances (as needed) but i believe he’d specify in those moments that he’d try to make up for it somehow (might be remembering wrong on this tho). it’s jaekyung who went “above and beyond” to fully cover these things for dan (for his own convenience/gain). like the whole attempted gang rape by the loan sharks episode, i think jaekyung is the one who straight up acknowledges that the amount dan was asking for would never actually get him out of the red lmao
- it’s jaekyung who keeps doubling and tripling down on the transactional nature of their relationship even as dan desires to break out of that (see the birthday gift episode which was a ONE TIME THING??? were there other moments where dan went out of his way to try to gift jaekyung something???). so in my opinion jaekyung shouldn’t be surprised if he attracts gold-diggers and those are the only people who stick around, especially with his shit attitude and sadistic tendencies (not that he’s aware, he’s about as self-aware as a single-cell amoeba)
- jaekyung saw with his own eyes dan quitting despite obviously still needing the money AND trying to pay him back
- jaekyung had to ACTIVELY seek dan out and wear him down before dan got to the point where we are now in the story where he’s offering himself for money again
tl;dr yeah dan being more mature would be incredibly nice BUT i think even if we filter through the story through what information jaekyung had/has access to and what actions jaekyung himself takes based off that info, jaekyung would have to be really fucking dumb and self-centered to come to the conclusion—or at least to STICK to the conclusion—that dan is some conniving gold-digger only out for his money. and jaekyung is dumb and self-centered LOL. but it doesn’t mean he’s right.

i just feel like gold-digger entails someone who seeks out another person’s money under the guise of a non-transactional/romantic/platonic relationship…where there’s some kind of deliberate two-facedness at play even though the benefactor is seeking something genuine and earnest…even on jaekyung’s end that has simply never been the case, it’s always been sex for money for him. as soon as feefees come into play he shuts em down real quick. it’s why i found it funny when one chapter jaekyung acted outraged abt dan asking for more money, i think he says something about feeling like dan’s treating him like an ATM…i was like yeah bro and you treat him like a sex toy…lmfao

I agree with what you said about all the ways Jaekyung helped out Dan. But I don't agree with what you said about Dan being after Jaekyung's money. He needed the money in the past for his grandma, but no longer. And money wasn't the real reason why he offered himself for sex. Also, I want to point out that you ARE seeing a more mature version of Dan who IS handling things differently for once :)

I agree with you about the purpose Dan is chasing money because of her grandma and other personal issues, all I was saying is that if we didn’t have the possibility to see his hidden action and read what’s in his mind we would assumed too, like JJ, that he would come back to him for money; in fact, he does and agree to have do sodomy with a violent dickhead like Jerkyoung… I would have loved to read more development before he return to have sex with him, don’t you?

I understand your point, all I was saying is that if we didn’t have the possibility to understand doc Damn action, mind and good intentions, we will too end up assuming he would come back to JJ for money.
Plus, if you remember, he spend tons for expensive gifts for his grandma, that’s why he ask for more money and JJ jokes about his love for money.. (again, because he didn’t know what we know and Damn did not explain himself) .. I didn’t say he hasn’t good intentions, I just say that if we didn’t know what we know, it would be easy to think he is chasing money and could have a coming back if we offer more.
Damn continue to don’t ask him his reasons at all or trying to communicate with him, he just act like a sex toy - and of course JJ appreciate it, he employs him for this if you remember, it was their agreement.
Plus, I defined Damn a money grabber, not a gold digger, and a money grubber is someone who would do anything for money: it’s a matter of fact that he agree for money to do sodomy with a violent dickhead like Jerkyoung… ok his good intentions, but if we didn’t know what we know, it’s easy to think a coming back for money. In fact, it is just what it’s happened… that’s all!
I would also say I’m not team JJ, but daaaaamn this doc is making me nervous ヽ(`Д´)ノ

I think I vaguely remember Dan getting his grandma littler things like a scarf and/or hat so she can keep warm, what with the balding from the chemo (though tbh she might’ve had those things already) but I don’t remember him getting her any (extravagant) gifts and I especially don’t remember him ever asking Jaekyung for more money specifically for that purpose. Jaekyung set his initial price at $5,000 I think. Dan asked for more money after their first encounter together only because of his grandma’s hospital bills. And thereafter, as far as I remember, Dan never asked for more money—only advances on payments due to different circumstances. If I’m misremembering, though, steer me towards the chapters where he spends extra on gifts for his grandma and/or asks for more money for that purpose!
And I mean I’d say just as much as Dan never explicitly explains his financial situation (which, again, Jaekyung becomes well aware of pretty early on, it’s as early as chapter 10 in fact), Jaekyung also just never plainly asks about it either. Well, he asks in the same chapter why Dan lives the way he does, but he’s rude about it lmfao, so Dan shuts down. You could say that was a good opportunity for Dan to explain what his life has been like but idk. I don’t blame Dan for not wanting to and again, unless Jaekyung is actually mentally impaired, it’d be incredibly easy to figure out why Dan lives like that and needs the money… And Jaekyung demonstrates throughout season 1 that, for the most part, he doesn’t give much of a fuck about Dan, so I don’t see why Dan would feel the need or desire to open up about it of his own volition.
Anyway yeah I mean I agree that Dan will do anything for money…but I guess I’m confused because your initial post seemed to entail this was a bad thing—or rather, that it was a failing on Dan’s part (or that Jaekyung would see it that way). Dan was in an incredibly desperate financial situation prior to meeting Jaekyung, working 3 jobs and on the verge of homelessness…it’s not so much that he’ll do anything for money, but that he’ll do anything to survive, no? Is that wrong of him to do? And again, at the point we are NOW in the story, it’s Jaekyung who had to repeatedly pressure Dan into coming back with him…Dan clearly rejected Jaekyung when he came to find him even while Jaekyung was offering him money, just a few chapters ago. The first thing Jaekyung started talking about was money, remember? And Dan went as far as ripping the IV from his arm just to get away from Jaekyung and end that conversation LMFAO. So I’ll say again that, even from Jaekyung’s POV, Dan wouldn’t (or shouldn’t) come across as someone who will do anything for money—at least not frivolously. It’s mostly been for the sake of survival, which isn’t bad, just human. Unless, again, you’re Jaekyung I guess lmfao. To which I’d say it’s more an indictment of Jaekyung that he’ll take advantage of someone who’s struggling to survive and then turn around and blame them for doing just that.

. You're right,"IF" we don't know Dan's inner thoughts we would also assume. Jk did not.. or cannot read minds, that's why he thinks ( at first ) that Dan is only after his money like his predecessors ( I'm talking about those men who Jk hired for sex ) that's why he treats Dan like a sex worker that he paid for. Their agreement is all about sex and having sex whenever and wherever jk wants ( it was added because Dan asked for 15000 grand ). Season 1 is all about money and sex - the agreement.
I'm hoping for their development in season 2, especially in Dan's part. Jk is a jerk like you said,I agree. Avoiding Jk is not the answer,I think Dan should approach Jk and tell all. He needs to be firm and communicate clearly to jk how or what he really feels. I hope to see a braver version of Dan. I know there are people who are eager to see sex scenes but it can wait a lil more.
Dan is no longer that scared of Jk unlike in season 1. I hope he will continue to have that kind bravery.

Jaekyung definitely knows that Dan is NOT after his money. We know this because Dan refused his job offer in chapter 60. Jaekyung even said, "I figured if I waved some cash in his face, he'd jump at the chance to return." So even though Jaekyung doesn't have access to Dan's thoughts like we do, he still does not think Dan is after his money. Jaekyung thinks that Dan is offering sex because he wants him to leave afterwards, which is exactly what Dan told him: "So let's have sex. If I repay you with my body you won't have to stay in this backwoods town a second longer." In Season 1, Jaekyung thought Dan was only after his money, but he no longer thinks that. He knows the real reason why Dan made a new deal with him, which is not actually about the money. The money will be used to reduce or eliminate Dan's debt to Jaekyung, which is a benefit to Dan. However, as I said, money was not the true reason for the deal, and Jaekyung knows this.
I agree, more development would have been nice to see before they have sex with each other. However, I think the sex is actually a good thing because it will make Jaekyung even more emotionally attached to Dan. Also, it might not appear this way, but Dan has power and control over Jaekyung through sex—Dan doesn’t need it, but Jaekyung definitely does.

No guys, he doesn't think that Dan is only after his money because as @Akaito said, just as much as Dan never explicitly explains his financial situation, Jaegeng becomes well aware of, pretty early on the precarious housing situation, debts with loan sharks and hospital bills that Dan's life was in. He needed money to live and that's why he paid everything off so that there would be no future interference.
We know that Jaegeng is dumb and clueless. But yes, even from JJ's point of view he knows that Kim Dan is not like his pasts sexual partners who were gold diggers and money grabbers all at once, extravagant and money wasters.
Well, for me it's pretty clear, the way he repeats about Kim Dan liking money is jealousy, because he considers Kim dan is his possession already and unconsciously doesn't want someone else providing him with money.

Yeah! He speaks and feels opposites bcs it's the first time in his life that he's met someone like KD. He really got under his skin, as JJ tells himself, he's literally lost in love, he keeps wanting to treat KD like his past relationships with spite, indifference, and solving the problems in the "relationship" with money thinking that KD would come back if he offered money bcs that's his modus operandi of solving problems with sexual partners and not because he really thinks KD is easy.
He falls flat on his face every time bcs the way he acted with KD didn't work out, the result is memories of guilt, headaches from guilt, insomnia and feelings, these feelings that are driving him crazy and he'll find out after he loses KD again.
So again, even from JJ's pov, he doesn't think that Dan is only after his money, JJ offered money bcs it's the only thing that connects the two of them, the agreements, but since he's clueless and lost in love he doesn't realize that he'll have to learn to be human to win KD over.

Absolutely. To even think that on Jaegeng's POV Kim Dan is ONLY after him for his money is totally crazy! Kim Dan doesn't view him as a money cow and he KNOWS it.
Unfortunately, I couldn't say the same about Jaegeng only wanting Kim Dan for his body. His personality is too bad and too selfish, he doesn't show signs of love, only possessiveness. This season we (and he) will able to see his contradictions more clearly.

When JJ says to doc Dumb “We both know how much you love money. I guess what I was giving just wasn’t cuttin’ it, huh?” my heart just BOOOOM…. Wow…. Wooooow… I never thought about it… but let’s think of it together…only US, the readers, know what’s in doc Dumb mind, what’s he is living and what’s his feelings… but if we see their interaction through the storyline and JJ point of view it was all about the money for doc Dumb. Every. single. time. Dumb decide to have segs with him because of the money he was offering, even if he told him he is free to leave if he’s not ok with it. Next day he left early without saying a word and not responding calls unless was told about the huge amount of money offered for the job. And asked for more to accept. He also asked to be payed in advance… for JJ birthday he thought about earning and spending a lot of mone for a present instead of thinking about his condition and needs (which he is employed for..) .. and now that! … wow, that’s what JJ has seen.. I’m not defending him because we all know he has a bad attitude and enjoy treat people harshly so.. red flag - he can go to f himself but.. Can’t blame him at all…
For doc DUMB: I can’t say more than you already said.
In conclusion, they are just a failure in communication. Both.

Why you all mad at this work of art, I mean... if you don't like it, why are you here commenting and discrediting the artist too? Even if the 80% of published manga are poorly drawn, with usual dynamics and cliché characters, full of forced porn disguised as romance, I don’t read all of this negative comment! (╯°Д °)╯Personally, I think you actually like this story so much that you feel unconsciously involved on a visceral level, even if you don’t admit to yourself and talk shish about that! otherwise it can't be explained that you are here to comment every day, not just during the publications... if you don't like this, if it doesn't evolve the way you would, if it’s not matching your imagination and you have something against the artist simply don't read it and find something else to enjoy! We’ll get over it and you don't even need to warn us in the comments, just don't read or open it! ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Obv u love jinx so u dont understand how someone could hate it lmao… critics watch movies and leave harsh reviews all the time..does that mean they like it? no ive watched animes til the end and i hate them…its funny to see how terrible something can get. mingwa is a good artist…not writer…her shits generic asf

Ok than share your point of view and leave, no need to throw your daily frustration here every day or every publication’s date! Rating with the stars and a comment than bye, like you would do on Netflix, Google, Amazon,TripAdvisor and other platforms, or just write an article for your own blog like critics do (ah, they would also wait the film/serie to finish before throwing shish about that and not complain every time saying “I would not watching this/would not reading that/would not eating here anymore” and then… still here waiting for updates and commenting)

As i said bc its funny. At the end of the day we are all disgraces to mingwa for reading her works on an illegal website. I literally only read this bc the comments r funny asf. And no people criticize shows literally everytime a new ep launches its no biggie… laugh at the comments…. debate with someone and go about ur day.

Why everyone’s mad at Joo Jaekyung and treat doc Dam as the victim here? I mean, first night he asked him if he’s ok fvckin for money and doc says yes. He also agree with being hired to fvck and help him deals with his jinx and medical conditions every months. All Joo Jaekyung ever wants is him to take care of his athletic conditions and sexual needs but doc Dumb continue to act like this things were never discussed. JJ payed all of his debt and medical treatments for his grandma just to allow him to do his job as best as possible, taking care of him at 360 degrees. Of course JJ was mad at him in America, doc Dumb know about his sleeping issues and needs, but spent the night laughing hard and not worrying about his condition. (Also the jinx, always remember he is high payed monthly to take care of it, especially the day before fighting). Of course he was mad at him for his birthday gift, he was not spending time doing what he was payed for but wasting himself over a stupid kaychain. He is n1 MMA fighter paying a dumb to spent all his money and time over stupid things or caring about others first instead of him. And the day before this match he doesn’t even deal with him about the topics for which he’s hired. He’s payed to do so. He’s payed to be professional. He agree on that, no one forced him. So he HAVE TO act as a professional or just leave. Oh, but of course he would not because he prefer getting JJ’s money, sometimes even in advance. Btw I’m so in love with this psychological story and art, just can’t understand why you’re acting like you’re not really reading it (is more like you’re just watching the drawings instead of understand the conversations and subtle expressions or details). Bye !

So trueeeee !!!! He’s also older than everyone but acting like a GIRL every time ! I mean, you’re not staying at his home because you’re his fiancée! Imaging hiring an accountant for 10k a month that instead of caring about YOUR bill he’s more into caring about your colleagues bills and buying cupcakes .. it’s not about being nice to someone you paid THOUSANDS at month’s, it’s about professionalism! Imaging you’re the one spending 10k/month to someone + have payed all of his debt just to work for you and than receive that.. when you can have hired others.. JJ really likes him (>.<) btw, love this drama so much ahahaha

Well... I totally dislike the way you talk about Yoon..
And I really can’t figure out why you also say some bad things about this manwa.
I hope someone here feels the same way about this opinion but first, let me tell you this:
I’m not justified Yoon or the violence, just trying to understand the context and the historical period...
1. Why you always say “he was never into love/ he never feels love/ he never falls in love/ he can’t show love, probabliy because he never../ he doesn’t know how to convey his feelings/ he is not used to this/and so other similar stuff”... he is a noble, a noble who read an entire library, so many books that even the Learned Shit was shocked. And you think he can’t understand love or show it properly? Come on, if you’re not into feelings you would never be a reader; he’s also into poems... INTO POEMS GUYS. And he can also recognize the authentic one and their value. I don’t think he can’t understand feelings or never felt them himself.
2. He is a noble. An historical noble. Contextualize and get my point: if I were a noble I would pretend EVERTING, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, LITERALLY “NOW”. I would be powerful and legitimate to kill whenever I want, whenever I feel, whenever I get upset or not able to get what I want. So, if I were a noble and a poor little painter takes 3 fu***ng days to paint what I asked for, and after I care about his food and beverage he destroys my precious paper and mess the floor with the ink... I would kill him. Without even think. And not takes him apart and tells him “little flower, what can I do to makes you feel good and paint all my request ? Ah ok, it’s your beloved teacher what you want ? Ok, I will pick him up and give him books, food, beverage and care about his future in the government! Only for you”.
3. The author do AMAZING facial expressions.. I could see the excitement for Yoon to be looked by NK while fucking dudes. Also the feelings for jinwa, mad for not being looked during sex... so Yoon start to lick him everywhere and be passionate even if Jinwa was furious and doesn’t want to have sex.. and Jinwa was just his sex doll, not partner. He could just fuck him without care. But he doesn’t. Also, remember that Yoon doesn’t want to be touched by low born or by others if he’s not in the mood... so... are you surprised if a not-comparing noble (Jinwa) dared to says to him those words and have those attitudes and for that reason the Lord start to act differently with him? Like “fly down bitch”? If I were a noble, if I were Yoon.. I would kill Jinwa for his behavior towards me. Not just tell him to leave. So many expressions in this manwa.. Is possible to perceive from Yoon expressions when he is absorbed by thoughts, when he is taken by sex, when he is worried about what he has done (ch 27) when he is excited, when he wants to flirt, when he wants to challenge, when he is emotionally involved as well as sexually (he was tooooo excited during sex when NK called it "MY LORD", remember? and in ch 28 he remembered some of those scenes too.. at the same time, always remembering these, he seemed to be also annoyed by the fact that both those words and expressions were not for him but for the teacher ... and because of NK feelings for the teacher it was ok to not kill the Learned Shit... just take advantage of the situation...)
4. He dislike to be touched by low born.. but he caress NK, give him kiss, wipes his tears, bite his food, give him time to figured out what happens and also give him other chance with paintings .. I remember to you: HE IS A NOBLE WHO IS LEGITIMATE TO KILL RANDOMLY. Second chance is not a common thing to him. But a GRACE.
5. Finally some sex scenes that is not something like “oh nooo, plss sempai, *pussy moan and pussy attitude*”. Ok, their first time wasn’t something consensual... but it was not violent.. also, from a character like Yoon, violence could be expected.. but he was so gentle ! He is a sex machine who is used to fuck hard and now he was ok to being touch by lower born and also give it to him like a gentleman.. he kisses him a lot during the act and also after ... if he was interested in just sex, he could have use all his power or strength to have it instead of kisses and cuddle him.. NK was drunk, so he could be more rough on him .. he know for sure how to make love.. also like to fuck like a gun.
6. When he was pushed away by a low born for his love for a teacher who actually underestimate him, OF CORSE WAS MAD. If I were a noble, I would kill him. Not try to put my dick into him and then stop myself because of the sense of guilt.. or prepare him a hot bath..
7. NK: I think he is in love with the Learned Shit, but also feels something for Yoon.. he had wet dream about he and the lord, he was always hard when he assist the sex scene, even the first time the lord touch him (and we all saw that if NK wasn’t into the mood he doesn’t get hard.. obviously.. but it is also right to say that of course he was not hard in ch 26, he just figured out he doesn’t fuck the Shither -.-“ ), he get all red when the Lord looks at him, also during the ch 28... he was excited... (me too, omg)..
8. ch 28 SPOILER: and so ...this low born pray me to let the teacher alive mh? Then suck it, at least. Uh mh ok but don’t look at me like that.. well... too late.. i’m coming!!!!! Ehy, little angel.. I would no more be mad at you, even if you just cut my face with your low born hands...(if I were a noble.. I WOULD KILL HIM.) so.. what about paint some hot stuff? For me? Mh?”
What’s your opinion?

TBH after all the things seungho did I just can’t hate him like he’s so much more than just an asshole. But I think people just ignore how interesting his character is because of the his multiple r4pes and I can perfectly understand that but it’s not the first time that a hateful character is liked. In shonen it’s pretty common but in BL I think it’s not really spread.

A TRUE noble, while entitled to kill anyone who gets in their way, wouldn't. Nakyum is being physically and sexually abused-- and that's enough to remark Seungho as a bad person. A real bad one.
You don't look at a rapist's backstory and go "oh so that's why he acted that way, we just need to understand him guys". You don't look at a rapist and go "well yeah, he abused him/her but there were times he was gentle and sweet and loving so don't hate him".
This is a fictitious story so I love Seungho's character and the unpredictability of his actions. I love his design, the way he's drawn, his expressions, his cunningness, his charm. BUT I hate everything that he's done and I'm hoping justice will be served.
As a reader, I'm expecting realism in how the characters will interact in a fictitious situation they're placed in, that otherwise wouldn't happen in real life. So yeah some people hate him, myself included. But ironically we love him and this story too. Otherwise, we would've dropped this manhwa already.
That's all, peace out.

Some of your logic is flawed but I see where u are trying to go with this.
First, just because it was required of me due to my noble upbringing to read Shakespeare doesn't make me a lover of poems or plays, it means I learned well. Many comments have id'd Yoon as sociopathic or pyschotic--that is not true since he is capable of expressing his own emotions. I think that's what you wanted to prove.
Second, Yoon is a noble and can get away with murder and you're right...he isn't blood thirsty so that is a plus. He wouldn't kill the painter bc he has a talent that can't be easily replaced so he was happy to get inhun and gain leverage to get what he wanted from baek. Jihwa probably did deserve to die for spying on his household and admittedly using him, but he is a noble too so it's harder to kill an equal without repercussions-yoon let him off for thay and all the intimate times they shared. I didn't expect Yoon to have a sentimental side but BAM! There you go.
Third, Yoon really didn't care about lowborn, highborn crap...that was all Jihwa's hangups. Hell at their first meeting Yoon fanboyed over baek, clasped his hands and let him feel his boner. Nope, no bias there whatsofkgever.
Yeah Yoon was a dick for taking advantage of a willing, but drunk baek and I'm glad Yoon actually made love to Baek rather than just fk him. The two actions almost cancel each other out (in fiction).
On the hunting trip I noticed Yoon put the deer put of its misery while inhun was content to let it die of its wounds while having a casual conversation. Maybe that means Yoon is capable of mercy, that is another positive esp from a historical context.
Readers call Yoon crazy but I think he is oddly childlike with his two year old moodswings. His first tantrum got his man killed the night he met baek nakym. He is used to having his playmates pursue him for his sex skills and he is not ashamed of his reputation yet the painter put him down for mocking inhun's poem and he was affronted by that so he kept the poem after that cute keep-away game with baek. He had his second tantrum with the almost straw mat beating over a damaged painting. He is confused about why baek hasn't fallen for him bc he thinks he has more to offer than inhun and can't understand the rejection so he's lashed out with an attempted rape and a forced blow job. His selfishness borders on narcissism in that. Of course, all kids have a 'me first' mentality and they want attention--like how he made eye contact with nakym during his night orgies while nakym painted. I am interested to see how Yoon will rationalize events from chptrs 26-28

Nakyum never ask to live under Seunghoo’s roof. He was threatening since their first meeting, Seunghoo did intend to kill his servant before meeting him, he even said before his servant that the painter will obey him after seing blood.
Seughoo’s deal was you paint erotic paintings for me and I give you food and shelter if you refuse I’ll kill you.
Nakyum never said he loves him, but in Seungho’s sick mind, Nakyum has to love him or he will kill the teacher.
Seunghoo is a psycho, knowing poems or reading books doesn’t prevent a person of crazyness.
Honestly, i thought the author would propose something like bj alex, which i wouldn't have disliked anyway…. Until ch. 63 the dynamics led me to think that things were predictable but this.. WOW!! ch.63 and 64 - what a show! here is the character i like to see in Dan!! Dear Author, thanks for the great s3x scene (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ when Dan treats him badly JJ gave the best of himself! AND - in this last chapter, i'm happy to have read something more about Dan’s hidden personality and unexpected behavior, he makes me so tender.. ohhh boy.. i hope that at this point JJ also starts to appreciate him more as a person, and not just for pity … would he see this boy's value ? He for sure care about him, let’s see how this story develops
I wonder if I'll stop hear "BJ ALEX 2.0!" and crap. It was getting annoying seeing that because I don't believe that Mingwa will just flat out copy herself.
What are you talking about??? I dropped this series a while back but re-read all of the chapters because of your comment which made it out to be like Dan had some sort of hidden personality... but no. He's just treating Jaekyung a bit coldly because he is (rightfully) mad. This is exactly what happened in BJ alex. Ya'll exaggerate a bit much.
Lil Luke, huh?
So we all hallucinate when we read about Dan being an alcoholic and a chain smoker? ( ̄∇ ̄") I’ve been referring to that, obviously
I was referring to the fact that I could expect some similar dynamics not that they are exactly the same.. anyway, you were right! the author didn’t even copy her previous art style ヾ(☆▽☆)
Being an alcoholic isn't really a personality trait in and of itself. If Dan became flirty or cunning or some other huge personality change when drunk, then maybe I would see what you are saying. But Dan literally sleepwalking while being drunk is not a 'hidden personality.'
I'd understand having similar storyline:)