the next chapter might be about the maid incident. She will be forced to go to the late queen's garden(presently being taken care of the shit CP) by their cousin Gareth the son of her aunt (hes a huge douchebag)
Gareth is a spoiled man bitch and a rapist. he planted flower in that garden with aphrodaisac effect so he will brag to other noble man that he can seduce whoever he want and tell them everything in detail. Underware/undergarments are oftenly found there by servants so they know whats goin on.
MC happen to heard them(screaming, pleading, slapping, threatens and etc) and wanted to do something luckily their younger brother (age 10?) was there and still innocent. MC told him there might be intruder in the garden. So the brother run to shit CP and tells what he heard in tge garden.
Shit CP goes to the garden and saw the attempted rape scene he knew it was his cousin doings and leave him be but this time theres a lot of eyes in them hes obsess with his reputation so he grabbed him by the collar. MC helped the maid and told them to go back to the party. Theres a bit arguement about what to do with that douchebag.
Punishment to him was light. he was prohibited to go outside for a bit. Her aunt doesnt see it as a big fuss so shes just happy she can get rid of the princess and the maid will just come back to her residence. (I forgot if the maid's family was in debt with them)
MC brought the maid to her palace. Maid pleaded MC to take her as maid and shell be useful and loyal. MC was hesitant but agrees in the end.
The maid is a noble too, shes a adopted(?) daughter of a poor viscount also a doctor of imperial palace he is so old but still werkin. So they really cant do anything against the family of her aunt.
MC thought of a plan where her aunt will have no choice but to let go of the pretty maid.
Seriously why do i feel the maid will be the wife of her new fiance. XD

Scratch what I said, I made a LOT of mistakes in my wording. As stated in Chapter 0, the princess doesn’t want Adrian (the name of the maid ur talking about) to get married to the prince that fell in love w her (Adrian is too precious to her). So I can presume that Adrian will play a role of making our mc’s fiancé fall in love w the maid but not actually get married off to him.

No problem! As for the cousin's name I think it's understandable since it appears he has been given different names by the translator(s) of the manhwa itself. So apparently even those currently reading the story don't know the name. For someone who hasn't read the novel in awhile to then forget the name makes a lot of sense!
But do you remember reading anything about the FL's mother's brother? Did he exist? If he did, was he killed by Gaius? Did he die some other way? Or is he still alive but some kind of good for nothing? Or what? He was mentioned only once in the manhwa. And the family tapestry did suggest that Appolonia's mother had a sibling and one that was younger. (But that was it.) Yes, the horizontal line on the tapestry that was drawn between Appolonia's grandmother and grandfather had only one vertical line which lead to the FL's mother. But that line was situated closer to the grandfather's side of the tapestry. It wasn't directly in the middle as you would think it would be if Elenia had been an only child.

Gaius was the Prince Consort. Appolonia's mother gave up her right to the throne so that's why by rights of course he should only ever be a Prince Consort. Plus Appolonia's mother herself said it was her younger brother that she wanted to raise Paris for in order to support the younger brother to the throne. Plus I don't think Elenia who married a man and raised that man's son as her own would have married someone else at the same time as Gaius, I mean if she married Gaius after the previous husband died Gaius wouldn't have had to have been just a concubine either.
This is a crazy good read if you have bulimia nervosa. u get to puke just by readin.