Aaaaaa's feed

Aaaaaa created a topic of Maria no Danzai

So i wasn't actually bullied but i remember there was a rowdy girl in my high school who would target the juniors. I vividly remember once she started a petty fight just bc she found and assumed that some juniors gave her a bad stare. She was friends with some of my friends so we weren't exactly friends. And i wasn't involved in any of her antics but some of my friends seemed to enjoy this kind of drama. We were like a group of 8 friends, and this bully girl belonged to a different group but she slowly started infiltrating to our group. That day i defended the juniors and requested her to excuse them, she was of course pissed. Later I found out through one of my friend that the bully girl isn't fond of me and that i shouldn't have interfered lol. Slowly me and my friends grew apart, half of them enjoyed to be with the bully and the other half were too scared to say anything. At the end of the day i was ostracized by my own friends. They didn't bully me bc of what I believe was my honor student status and good relation with the teachers. I started hanging out with a girl and this bully took the chance to bully her instead but one day i lose it and gave her a good shout to which she seemed surprised and uttered some useless words before leaving. After that she never messed my new friend.
I wish I had made her life hell. Idk where you are now but i hope you are somewhere worse. I will never wish the best for you. And to half of my friends who sidelined with her I hope you are in an equally worst place as her. And again to my other half friends who were the silent spectators, who couldn't stand up for me but secretly passed me letters as if we were still friends but were too afraid to leave the group and chose to abandon me i hope you guys will stand up for someone in the future.