womp created a topic of Bad Friend

his ass has to be leaking on the way back

womp created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

bro said “hes fucked” and now say “im fucked” what is this gay ass plot

womp created a topic of Sankaku Twilight

lokey, dont like wataru :/ I think its the fact he knows miki likes him, yet continues to string him along, just so toxic to me, imo

womp created a topic of BJ alex

ya know, after reading jinx, it makes bj alex look not that bad!

womp created a topic of Jinx

what if this turns out to be a psychological and kim dan kill’s himself, so we see jaekyung grapple with his death and how it was lo key his fault!! that would be so cool because I have no idea how this shit is supposed to get better!!!

womp created a topic of Mate ga Dekinai Wataru-kun

isnot just me, or is the pacing just odd?

womp created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

what the hell is up with callon or whatever?? he needs to go to a phyc ward. hes low key stalking mc, and is now angry he doesn’t like him. iv seen this exact same scenario on they news!!! he needs to ho

womp followed question about have an unpopular opinion

What are your thoughts about pedophilia? İ want to learn other peoples thoughts (i'm not pedophile)

27 12,2023
womp created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

I need yalls hope and prayers they the author doesn’t give him a miscarriage

womp created a topic of Jinx

god I know this author has a thing for big red flags, but damn

womp created a topic of Jinx

why can’t I stop reading this garbage pile. like abuse, a little rapy, but i just keep getting pulled in for more

I cannot wait for iske to beat the ever loving shit out of rubis brother :3

womp created a topic of The Tyrant's Only Perfumer


womp created a topic of Fiancee Be Chosen By The Ring

bro the amount of anxiety I have around the guy who is trying to buy the embroidery is so much. like I know they wont do anything, its a wholesome manga, but idk

womp created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

erm what the flip

“longed to see thoes eyes” girlboss they are going to change

womp created a topic of Codename Anastasia

erm, idk man, I was not mentally prepared for this. like idk, but the woman fucking is just so awkward, this isnt hetro it’s supposed to be homo

womp created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

im preparing for the possibility of a miscarriage… I hope and pray it doesn’t happen but these writers sometimes istg

womp says:

the dream vs gumball shit is so funny, dream’s acting like a god damn baby. I guess he just acts like the people he likes

womp created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

hes so fucked?? like in the ass, right?? RIGHT?!?!?