I have sent you a private message but it hasn’t appeared in my inbox. Let me know if you didn’t get it. I’ll send the message here. Please delete it after receiving the email for the privacy of the author. :)

Trying this again: As promised, the email I’ve gotten from the author came back. It started out as a thank you first, since I’ve personally bought the story before talking to them.
One, they are definitely upset with the illegal distribution but they have been looking for an English publication at some point. Two, they weren’t interested in what someone who has illegally read their works have to say. Much less someone who is not part of their targeted audience. This story is written for the Japanese audience who are more tolerable towards such fantasies. As for the accusations of pedophilia, they said you should properly talk to them rather than having me as the third party.
Here is their email address [email protected]. If you’re bent on continuing your argument with the author, feel freee to speak in English. They are capable of understanding it but for the sake of being able to understand each other, I suggest speaking simple and clear. Just because theyre not fluent in English, doesn’t mean they’re dumb lol. Good luck.

She can touch fairies right? She should just catch and eat that blue haired one as revenge
She can only touch clew because he touched her forehead while she was a baby. That's why she never saw other fairies apart from him.