Since I know the manhwa still has a long way to go and I am too lazy to read the novel, can someone please spoil me on what's gonna happen.
And I've read someone commented that Garon knows the antidote (how?) and did he intercoursed with the Imae fully knowing there's poison? (SPOIL ME ON THIS TOO)
What will happen to Raon when he finds them? Etc.
Just super curious I don't mind if you spoil me the whole thing!!! TYSM!! (⌒▽⌒)

i've read it all but i don't know/can't remember if garon knew from the start about the poison or antidote, or if he learned along the way. nonetheless, yes fully knowingly later he kept having sex (but maybe someone can explain to you more precise as my goldfish brain is not computing). i think in one scene in the novel he was like "did you really think i didn't do my research" or smth along those lines.
and raon is gonna be fine, it's not their first fight and won't be the last; garon finding them is dramatic and intense and he's totally lost in his obsessed love already

Don't get me wrong. The novel is soo good too, it's just that seeing Karas' expression and actual thoughts with the others too are so refreshing and adds more charm and thrill to the story.
In the novel it's like he's always just wearing a cold poker face and just thinks "I want to kill everyone except Abel" all the time.
Even in the manhwa he shows concern towards abel when in the Novel it's almost like he doesn't really care if he gets hurt as long as he's alive or as long as he gets what he wants.
I am glad that I chose to read the manhwa still despite having read the novel already. The novel kept me satiated from the lack of manhwa updates but the manhwa definitely gives me more of that "exciting" and "can't wait for more" vibe even though I already know what's gonna happen.
Can't wait to see more of the coming chapters and how it'll be portrayed in the manhwa ghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I'm going crazy lol

I agree that it's definitely refreshing that we get glimpses on what's in Karas' mind but I think that's because it goes well with what the illustrator is going for, a more light-hearted atmosphere to the story.
Whereas in the novel, on top of being more gory and violent, Karas being more impenetrable as a character there compliments with the darker tone the novel has in comparison to the manhwa.
I like both as both medium offer slightly different aspects when it comes to the Male Lead.

No fr though, this is what I'm talking about. Not just the words or letters but the "there is no word that could express what I feel for you" or the feeling of "being content just watching over that someone and it fills you up till you become an idiot who'd do anything for that person". THAT is the kind of love that I gave for the 8 men I've been with before. But no one stayed. I have my flaws, they have too, no one is perfect but they only give up while I accept theirs.
The only thing I know I did wrong, is to expect that standard of love that I know and been giving to be given back to me as well.
Now after my last guy I became numb. But, it is a blessing in disguise. Now I won't settle for any less, bc it is harder and more painful to expect something they aren't capable of, than just staying alone and giving that same kind of love I've been giving them to myself instead.
I realized it is much nicer, feels peaceful and I feel happier each day.
But this, Carcel did it. He made me realize time and time again that I am happier now being with myself, and that I should not expect to have something like this anymore.
Because if it ain't this? Boy, I'd rather die single. :>
But srsly, everyone deserves to be loved like this. So I hope you guys find it for yourself in whatever shape or form. <3

Copy and Pasting my reply to one of the comments here, just so people who haven't experienced being in a manipulative, toxic and abusive relationship can get a little bit of understanding on how this works:
I'm replying bc I experienced this too. I get why people get angry at hajin for this but it's bc (maybe) they haven't been in that same situation. I'm telling ya, trigger words/songs etc. Everything you experienced (core memory or whatnot) with your ex is the worst. You can go about your day feeling the best then hear that one song you enjoyed in the past with the one that gave u trauma and it will freeze you, you thought you forgot everything but just bc of that single trigger it's like you're back to zero. You cry buckets again and it hurts so much. You start having the anxiety again, can't sleep and your heart feels like it busted a nerve. And it's hard to trust people again. It's the worst.
Even though u are aware that it's the past, but emotional/mental trauma is not a walk in the park (it's the worst) that would go away in just a year or two or just bc you met someone better.
At least Hajin is aware that it is not Geonwoo's fault, neither of them is at fault. It's just a matter of how he heals or if he let's Geonwoo help him heal. People have different ways of coping up and healing, and we have different capabilities in which how quick we are able to heal. But damn *first love? I tell ya' that hurts like a bitch. It's already a miracle that he's opening up to Geonwoo. But can we just understand that things like *trauma* is not just bc he is scared ? Iz more than that.
I know this is fiction but it wouldn't hurt to at least be aware, since you guys talk a lot about sympathizing and empathizing. Might as well understand that this is not easy. People who've been in this same situation can relate.
This is fiction but at least cut Hajin some slack. He's not even doing this on purpose and he's been clear to Geonwoo and not impulsively giving your commitment knowing ya ain't healed. It would just cause another toxicity when you're already together and u have some baggage.
I hope they can communicate (I know it's hard for the traumatized to talk about what they've been through) but hopefuly he can soon, then maybe Geonwoo can also understand why Hajin is the way he is when it comes to love.
And for all those who have been in this similar situation, I hope you find peace and healing within you because no one deserves being treated like that then left with an awul baggage. *sending hugs to ya'll*

I really can't put myself at the same page as most of the readers here regardless wether they are continuously reading but is dissatisfied or if they dropped it.
I started watching the anime waaayyyy way back like 2014 ? I think, I was still fresh from highschool, I was dissatisfied that the anime is not continued and was left like that but I did not find the manga right after. It took me at least 3 years to finally decide that I should search and read the manga. At first I was not amused that livi isn't growing up pretty soon and I dropped this. After a year and a lotta chapters piled up, I started reading again and was amazed that I got up to this moment without even thinking like "why's livi still small?" or "why's there no development on the romance" when that's all I ever complained about last 2019.
But as I see the bigger picture and was shocked, not sure if everyone noticed that details but there is a chapter here where I noticed a dialogue on I think Livi (I think 20 chapters back from the latest one)
saying "a lot has happened this year when Nike came" smthn like that and boy I was surprised just a year has passed?! still?! no wonder livi hasn't grown XD that's a valid reason mygosh.
But yeah I've long ignored his small built and the fact that there's no romance development yet, bc there are far more things to be addressed before all of those that's why the title is as it is. So I'm waiting and savoring every moment before the final thing we're missing which is livi growing up and finally romance development. But so far I enjoyed reading and unfolding all the great mysteries of No Rain in this story. So yeah I just feel bad that a lot of people dropped this and most are just coming back to know what happened to Nike or if livi has grown yet. I think there's more to this story than just the both of them. That's why the title is written as "The world is still beautiful" we can learn many things from just the way they portrayed the world and how ugly it is but even tho it is still beautiful and u should not focus on the ugly things happening which is the true nature of Humans. peace (●'◡'●)ノ

Maybe I'm finally too old, too married or too obtuse in general to bother about his body's height when the overarching plot heavily focused on him growing up mentally (like, what was Nike supposed to DO with a brat all grown up? A guy her size with the emotional range of a potato? What's that even good for?) and showing how hard a thing to do that is, when the whole world needs to grow up and at every corner he encounters road blocks acting like himself, earlier versions, versions that show him "That could've been me if I never changed". I mean honestly, we ourselves learn this as we grow older: you can learn a new trick but then you interact with the world outside of your own bubble and that smart new trick clashes heavily with the growing process of other humans.
And this story says: Those are not your responsibility (hear that Nike?!) but you can pull them along while stubbornly refusing to stop growing. Painful? Plenty. Ardous? Sweat galore, truthfully. Worth it? Only you can answer that.

This encounter really made it up for athy's lack of parents in her second life.
I understand why she cried like that, it's like she can finally wail and complain to someone which she didn't have the chance to do in her first and second life. Even as a baby/toddler all she can do is find a way for her little body to survive the harshness of the palace and to not get killed again.
It's a Mother's job really, they were the ones we complain to, open up to, and whine to; They gave us the comfort to do so and after crying you'll feel all that dirt wash down and you'll feel better.
With everything that's going on, this is really the best time for them to meet. I'm glad athy can finally act like a child. Now tho I'm a lil sad that she'll finally pass on. TT____TT hope you'll stay for a lil bit more
You guys, I'mma say it. Candy is the real star of this manhwa, he made the whole pile of angst at least bearable. And whenever he has a panel in a chapter I always give a sigh of relief to thank that he's still alive and so at least that'll still keep Cirrus sane. Thank you Candy! You saved your hooman.
Animals are the best ya'll they make life at least livable (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ