Can someone recommend me manga like these (I'm not updated with recent stuff from 2022) only manhwa please?

Only webtoon - mostly wholesome with less misunderstandings and drama. HE
Feel free to snoop around on my page if u want
Each and every stage the situation ended up worse..
Even though there were options of hope, due to his mentally being not well and inner critic and motivations just made him not see it
His father was narcissist and God dude was the scapegoat
I can see so much of my refl cted in this
I wish it had different ending but I do know someone is living through that exact
Her mum failed him truly, she didn't even check on him
Konw tried his best, went beyond actually
I wanted to scream listen to know before I didn't really listen to jaekyung inner voice but after that it became a circle
Him living at his mum's place was the lst straw
If she could have loved him and reassured him, got him totherapy cause it's hard to rehabilitate... It's not just his father influence but the loneliness, self worth, inner self crituc, unworthiness and dude never felt he was cared for, even the friendship relation came with complications nd I don't believe he takes love and satisfaction as much he would have in parental rather in friendship
It's even more shit that the distance you feel between him and other people and how u can't bridge it and combined with the cruel inner critic which doesn't even motivate him with good thoughts he has but also highlights nad hunts for bad criticism he gets(it's not his fault, he was deeply traumatized and kept getting traumatized and dude is so young and gosh he really didn't have any tools to get to the truth and even if he did and then on how to deal with negative aspects of yourself , to heal, unhealthy attachments to others, and gaining value of yourself in relation to people and abandonment issues and rejection and the mistreatment.... As author represented the issues stemmed from he was a kid)
I really wish I could save him or anyone that matter
Even like I know it's fiction and I'm really glad it exists with the ending it does and it gives me some thing of relatability and presence of some media exists to say this shit is messed up nd here is how it is and what effect it would have, overall very validating actually)
But I really wish we could save all the jaekyung and all the other ones out there.
Stories that are "tragic" Especially the ones hidden away like emotional, mental and narcissistic abuse are needed .
Cause from what I'll seen reality is more cruel than fiction could ever ever be.