やおいはかんぺき February 24, 2025 7:43 am

Lololol take that MF!!

やおいはかんぺき February 15, 2025 11:18 pm

Because there is a physiological reaction does not mean it's not rape. All these toxic af MLs with their "oh if you don't like it why is your body reacting" like fuck outta here with that bullshit , just say you don't care about their consent and go.

    FUCKMAKINGACCOUNTS February 23, 2025 12:55 am

    Thank you. I had to argue with an idiot last chapter telling them coercion is not consent and that this was rape.

やおいはかんぺき February 7, 2025 5:12 am

Ayoooo whut??

やおいはかんぺき December 6, 2024 8:40 am

.... this is what I get for searching for smut....

やおいはかんぺき January 24, 2021 1:51 pm

Azusa is in such a powerless position, like I need him to fuck over Karino, if it's the last thing he does. I need Karino to suffer.

    Jellyfish January 24, 2021 4:11 pm

    I have thinking the same thing.
    Unwanted karino to suffer so badly that he regrets his existence.
    How dare he hurt Azusa that way.

やおいはかんぺき January 5, 2021 2:32 pm

Ok now I feel kinda bad for Taku, I mean he brought it on himself but damn son. Don't worry you find someone for you, just don't start with manipulation and you good!

やおいはかんぺき December 30, 2020 8:45 am

This entire incest argument is exhausting

1. They were teenagers when their parents met, They have no blood relations whatsoever . Their parent marriage lasted for like what? 3 yrs?

2. They went from hating each other to fucking each other.... you can't force familial feelings on ppl.

3. Their parents got divorced so they don't even have the family ties to each other. They literally spent more time being non family members than they did being family.

So what exactly is the problem??!!
I swear people have more problem with this than a sister fucking her sister's husband.

    ashitaka December 30, 2020 9:04 am

    I’m so tired at this point, they don’t want to understand that .. it’s been almost 100 chapters comon,

    im gay, and u r too December 30, 2020 9:59 am

    sis be spilling facts

    pennyinheaven December 30, 2020 10:29 am

    The last bit OMFG. But yeah I agree, I also felt frustrated with te characters because they are worrying about something they shouldn't. But I gotta add, their parents sort of broke up because of their relationship. Also, whether its incest or not, the issue about social norms and Joowon being a public figure is a valid issue to make the story complicated lol.

やおいはかんぺき December 4, 2017 7:56 am

I feel really disgusted with the characters in this chapter...Times like this, I appreciate this manhwa a bit more.

やおいはかんぺき December 1, 2017 6:18 am

Lmfao wtf... okay most unexpected thing in this manhwa

    Ikon'sBlingBling December 4, 2017 6:21 am

    Really not, it is quite expectant. I mean if people can replicate something like kicking a soccer ball for example the same way as someone else first try with no failure and have two bodies why not add another unrealistic twist to the story?

    やおいはかんぺき December 4, 2017 7:46 am

    Your expectations and mine aren't the same though....it's purely subjective, so to me it was really unexpected.
    ....on the bright side, yay an IKON fan (Ikonic?)

    やおいはかんぺき December 4, 2017 7:47 am
    Your expectations and mine aren't the same though....it's purely subjective, so to me it was really unexpected. ....on the bright side, yay an IKON fan (Ikonic?) やおいはかんぺき

    And same country omo, I hope we can be friends lol

    Ikon'sBlingBling December 4, 2017 9:23 am

    Sorry, I wrote some uncessary stuff, guess I was upset. And sure we can be friends. I'm not active on this site though, I can't stand the ads after it logs me out. Do you have any other groups you stan?

やおいはかんぺき November 23, 2017 7:18 pm

Just to Clarify, they are not actually twins, they just look a lot alike(dopplegangers) Dohwa was the one that termed them as twins coz that was the only explanation she could give when the mask fell off Yoonsuns face.

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