Like i dont really care all that muck about whats going down in this chapter rn, but all I wanted to say is that the mc's friend is a piece of shit in my opinion. He trys to enter into a building without the owners permission, takes pictures of the owner without his consent, and exposed a persons identity for clout. The worst of all, is that he had the mc apologize for the friends mistakes. Like- why?

There was a comment in this thread before that was absolutely disgusting. It went along the lines of saying it wasn't rape because the uke was enjoying it. They also said that the uke could fight back at any time. They said things like "serves him right im laughing btw how he can acts in the end thet he didnt like it. when he is so obvious hahhahha" and to a reply saying that they have a fucked up mentality, they say, "wtf is wrong with you too? it is not raped if you enjoy what they were doing to you! he could have pushed or bite their dick but he choose to suck it HAHAHHA" This person is obviously f*cked up in the head. Idk why they chose to bully the victim and shame them. I couldn't stand the thought of other people and victims to look at that comment and decided to report it. If you think like that, please leave and get help. I'm sorry to victims who were told this stuff. I have proof of this comment/thread existing.
why is this a thing-