I do find it extremely strange when people defend the trope of starting a relationship with rape, like are you saying that’s a good thing? That it’s fine jus because it’s a story, how can you argue with the fact that the topic is becoming too normalised in bl, and do you really not think the story and genre in general would be a lot better if this wasn’t the common trope?? Yes it has a good ending and that may be what you love, but you can have a happy ending without rape, there are so many other tropes that are much better so I don’t see why this has to be the default, and I literally think it’s disgusting to get mad at people for not enjoying the normalisation of rape, like are we supposed to be okay with it?

I was thinking that too, I think people would think diffrent if the uke was a girl, then they would think its rape. Sometimes when I read some of the stories that has the seme pretty much force himself I always imagine if it was a girl then it would not fly, people would get mad which is sad because men can get raped too, men get raped and they can't even say anything because people don't believe them. It sucks and I agree its still rape, if someone says no or stop then you stop doesn't matter what they are doing. They tell you to stop then you stop.

I'm in no way pro rape, but I just feel the need to inform you that there are a lot of rape mxw stories even on mangago. I'm no Yuri guru, but I don't think I'm wrong to believe that there we'll be some Yuri rape stories, too. It's a trope some authors see as necessary, and some readers like to read.

Yeah your right, I've seen worse manga with actual rape which was disturbing i immediately dropped it. But yes I agree it is in a way that makes it look "sexy" I mean at first they say No Stop it but it always ends up them wanting? It If it really was rape then obviously he would not feel aroused or be able to cum.

Well there are situations that this happens and it still is rape at the end of the day. For example even though his boo raped him he still had mixed feelings for him, and it was as if they were having it, but when the other random dude from the party tried to do it to him, he felt scared and disgusted, and so did I.

That’s the thing, it shouldn’t be portrayed as sexy, it’s rape, rape is not sexy, what you said about the guy being different and gross, that’s because the writer wrote it that way, but it’s all rape, it has indeed been romanticised and that’s the issue, just because it is not real does not make it any less messed up that this is become so normalised to the point where people will argue with me and tell me I am wrong when I am arguing that it’s too normalised, you replying to my comment has proved that people have read it so much that they think it’s okay, not everyone will take it like you do and think that it’s seperate from reality, the line between it will be blurred for some people, and in any case even if people do not take it into real life, it’s still not right for it to be showcased and romanticised as it takes away the true severity of rape, tropes should not be made out of rape, it should never have been romanticised for reader entertainment

Sadly people can cum or be aroused through rape, it’s partly the reason some people get away with it or think it’s okay, their body still responds to being touched in that way even though they do not want it or consent to it, so ur point is so wrong, and it 100% is still rape. Also they end up wanting it because it has been romanticised so you won’t find it wrong