I really love this, everything is great, but idk something still just rubs me the wrong way about how diesel cheated on the other guy with ein and that’s why he died. Diesel said he loved that guy, even more than ein (but then why did he go with him?), but did he really?? It annoys me that he thinks that was love if he was so willing to throw it all away, plus he still doesn’t know the other guy apparently was only “fascinated” by him or something like that, which seems more like infatuation than love. I’m not sure if it was sort of referred to earlier when ein told diesel like “that’s not love” when talking about minsuks ex but I don’t know if that also pertains to diesels old relationship, and if he realised that or not — I just really want him to acknowledge how it wasn’t love so I can stop feeling so bad for the ex! ╥﹏╥

Just my own interpretation but I think it was cos diesel was confused about what love is. He went through something traumatic and was lonely so he was ready to do anything for the only person he had. The author didn't flat out word these things out but she did leave some hints for it. Like diesel slept with Ein because he felt like that was the first time someone held him so gently. I mean the ex treated diesel as his thing so I didn't really feel bad for him. At the airport too diesel said he was ready to die for that ex even if he didn't love him and he was thankful Ein saved him from living such a sad life. That was him basically realizing that what they had wasn't love. And at the end he found people like him and wasn't lonely anymore so he was able to confirm his feelings for ein (at the start diesel was really stuck wondering if this time it was love or was he just lonely). Overall I think the author was able to show all the character's emotions so well and I loved that. Thank you for coming to my ted talk! Sorry this was such a long comment lol

It’s fine lol thanks for telling me, I finished the story a while ago and couldn’t remember the details, but that just stuck with me when I reread a bit. But I’m happy that diesel does eventually realise it wasn’t love, plus I have no doubt the ex wasn’t actually a great person and I’ve just made him better in my head over the years cause he got cheated on and I felt bad lol even though he’s technically in the mafia, so he did probably treat him badly but at least now it’s confirmed (at least in one interpretation) so I can move on with a clear conscience (about this story anyway)

I’ve enjoyed reading this so far, my one problem is, obviously the rape #-.-), and just that I think after the uke asked the seme to stop doing that without his permission, it seemed like the seme started to guilt trip him with own abusive story to make him feel bad about it - I mean it obviously isn’t okay that happened to him too but it’s not an excuse. But I think it got better after that stopped and their relationship progressed

I really liked it but I’m just confused by some things, like Hyunsung obviously felt lonely and mad after the stalker could so easily leave him after everything he did, so did he then tie him up so that he would feel less lonely but realised he was getting too close to him so planned to leave, or as revenge so that the stalker would become more used to him and dependent on him and then hyunsung would leave (he was planning to leave to the apartment) so the stalker would feel the same pain he felt??? But then he convinced hyunsung he was sincere and he gave him a chance.
Also, he said he was also stalking other people, but then he said hyunsung was his first- so did he mean he started stalking him first or he was the first he was intimate with??
And then that guy the stalker met up with and brought him back to his apartment, was he another guy he was stalking?? I’m leaning towards no because he didn’t seem to mind seeing him but then the stalker also said they’d all accepted it by then.
Sorry this is so long lol ( ̄∇ ̄")

I love this sooo much!! I just hate that woman that killed their parents an equal amount \\٩(๑`^´๑)۶//// I mean if she hadn’t done that, things would’ve ended up so much different and happier for the twins (and the family) being raised under such amazing parents - also their dad was soo cute \( 'ω')/ he’s literally all the best characteristics of namsoo without the crazy parts - he would’ve been such a good dad (T_T)

Tsuji is actually soo annoying #-.-) he didn’t resist AT ALL to the guys advances, literally everything that stopped him sleeping with him was out of his control, meaning it definitely would have happened otherwise (regardless of him dating someone else). It just felt so stupid to me lol plus how he kept talking to him like normal even while knowing he was dangerous and made his boyfriend uncomfortable