Is becoming toxic nowadays a fashion??

Getting turn on just because seeing someone suffering can be part of you being toxic
Well I don't know what's coming next so I can't tell it's total toxic or not rn
But if it's gonna turn out that she start treating him as trash and abusing him just for her sexual desires then it'll call toxicity more than bdsm
I'll say the same if he was in the place of her and jerking off after seeing a depressed girl with wound

I'm at chap 129 and I can't take it

I feel you sm!! I read this when it came out chapter by chapter so I cried like a baby everytime I'd be left on cliffhangers, wondering when things would get better or worse for him.
What I can say that doesn't spoil much is that Yeonwoo is surrounded by people who love and cherishes him deeply. And with that support system, he was able to overcome little by little.
I'm not trying to disregard the crap that he experienced because it was horrible but if you carry on reading, you'll see his healing journey and that enough shows his strength.
We deserve more chapter